Chapter 9

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I kicked my shoes off and went upstairs to my room. I took my pants off and seen a business card fall off my jewelry stand. I picked it up and it was Dreams business card. I forgot she told me she wanted me to speak to her about some shit a few days ago. It probably had something to do involving the lil nigga Davion.

It was going on 9pm she might still be woke. I pulled my phone out and dialed the number off the card.

Hello? She answered sounding sexy as hell. "Who's this?"

This Demon, shit I know it's kinda late I just remembered you wanted me to call you?

Ohh yeah, hey!


It's about Davion, but considering how late it is we can pick this up during the day?

Ight, just give me a call tomorrow.

Okay, I will goodnight!

I hung up the phone and sat it down on my dresser to finish taking my clothes off. I was neat person so I put my shit up neatly. I went to go take a hot ass shower, washing with Ajax and dawn first getting the gun powder off my hands and Shìt.

I washed twice more then got out. I dried off wrapping a towel around my waist before answering my ringing phone. It was shorty from a week ago. This bitch keep calling me. What the fuck was even the bitch name? TiTi? Tiana? Tiondra? I don't fuckin know. "Yo?" I finally answered.

What you busy or something you don't never answer the phone. She said annoyed.

Somein like that why what's up?

I wanted you to slide by. I just wanna feel that big muthafucka in my mouth.

Send me the addy! I said before hanging up. I sat my phone down and pulled out a pair of clean draws. I sat on the bed. Scrolling through my messages. This bitch texted me her address so quick. I threw my phone to the side and laid back.


I woke up to my phone ringing. It was 10am. I didn't recognize the number so I was hesitant at first but I slid it over and answered. "Who this?" I questioned with one eye open.

Hi GoodMorning, this is this a bad time I could call later.

Nah you good shorty! I sat up and looked at my phone putting it on speaker as I went to go take a piss.

Umm, so uhh about Davion I think it'll be best we meet in person.

Yeah ight sure I can be there in an hour.

Okay when you get here you can just come right in.

I hung up sitting my phone on the charger and went to go wash my face and brush my teeth before jumping in the shower.

I fumbled around my closet looking for something to wear, I grabbed some Amiri stacked camo jeans and a black Amiri shirt. I grabbed my Azael 700 V3 Yeezys. I took my hair out the ponytail and let all my dreads hit my chest. I grabbed my Apple Watch and pulled my chains out. I tucked my gun behind my back grabbed my phone and left out.

I was running late but it's whatever, I'll get there when I fuckin get there. I pulled up to a red light and looked to my right and saw the bitch that keep calling me. Of fuckin course she saw me. The one day I don't keep my windows up.

Hey boo! She smiled leaning over her friend. "What happened to you last night?"


Well let's make it up now! She smiled. She got out her friend car and came over to mine and got in.

You know you only good for suckin my dick right?

That's all I wanna show you daddy! She leaned over me unbuckling my pants and rubbing my dick up and down to get my dick hard. "You gotta relax, I got some where to be!" I said as I pulled off from the light at all the honking horns.

What you doing here? She asked as I pulled into the parking lot of Dreams job.

Nun yo fuckin business! Stay in the car I'll be right back. I grabbed my keys from the cup holder and got out heading towards the door. "Fuck is you doing out here?" I asked Davion as I walked towards shorty office.

She told me to wait out here until you got here!

Ight stay right here. I went in her office and closed the door. "Ight so what the fuck we gotta talk about?" I asked sitting down in front of her desk.

Ummm, Davion is doing very well. He's agreed to get back in school with your help...

Ight that's it?

No... umm I promised to keep our conversations private and confidential but I do feel that you should speak with Davion. He's doing the stuff he's doing because of you.

Because of me?

Yeah to spend time with you... that's all I can say for now!

Nah tell me what the fuck you can't say.

Demon I can't I'm sorry!

Ight don't fuckin worry about it. I got up and made my way out the room and opened the office door. "Let's fuckin go!" I told Davion.

What about my session?

Fuck that session I said let's go! I yelled at him.
He got up quickly following me out as she watched us walk away.

Wait my book bag! He ran back to her office and went in. "Bye Ms. Jones!" He said as he hugged her. He ran back down the hall towards me and I kept walking.

You like her don't you? He asked smirking.


You like her! I see the way you looked at her. I mean she fine ass hell! I'd tap that. And she got a fat ass tell me she don't!

Watch yo fuckin mouth nigga!

You ain't denying it either. You must ain't got no pussy since you got out why the fuck your always so mean?

Get in the back seat and shut the fuck up!

Oh you is getting pussy, she fine as hell. Hi ms! He smiled opening the car door.

Oh your a cutie, how are you! Shorty giggled.

Both y'all being annoying so both y'all shut the fuck up! I barked starting my car and pulling off. These muthafuckas was gone make my head hurt.

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