Chapter 40

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I opened my office door and I couldn't wait to get off my feet. I was tired and they was hurting. I never had a problem with these shoes. I can walk in heels all day. My feet was swollen! That man really raises my blood pressure. I sat my stuff down and got situated. My phone started ringing breaking me out my daze.

Hello? I answered without looking at it.

Hey you okay? Sade asked in a frantic.


You sure Dream?

Yeah why?

I don't know I just had a dream about you! I thought something happened. It was violent. Somebody was following you....

You starting to have them vivid pregnancy dreams and I think I'm starting to get your damn symptoms.

I mean it would make sense why I'd be dreaming about you then....

Yeah but I'm fine. I promise! I just got to work so I'll call you later!


I sat down in my chair and I was so fucking hungry. I didn't even eat this morning. I grabbed a snack pack from my desk and opened a bag of chips. I gotta get me something to eat I am starving.

I opened my lap top to check my emails. And get my work day started. I did not get enough sleep last night. I looked up from a knock on my door. It was the front office assistant Mari.

Hey come in! I smiled.

Oh no need just wanted to tell you Brent wants to see you in his office.

Umm okay thank you. I slid my crocs on under my desk and got up to make my way to his office. After him and Demons altercation just now you'd think that he wouldn't say two words to me.

You wanted to see me? I asked coming to his office.

Yes come in and close the door. He stood up from his chair and took a huge sigh. "A few employees saw the altercation between me, you, and your boyfriend and someone alerted the bored. I just received a call from them. Unfortunately Ms. Jones I'm gonna have to let you go. For obvious safety reasons, they don't think your a good fit for this job anymore and the safety of everyone in here is advised to come first, I'm sorry!"

Are you serious?

I'm getting fired over something YOU STARTED?

Whoa I didn't start anything. Unfortunately because he made threats that someone else heard I have to let you go. Maybe in the future you can reapply and try again. I'll need your office cleaned out by the end of the day.

This is some fuckin bullshit! I swear to god this some bullshit! And it's really giving that ain't nobody see shit cause wasn't nobody outside. YOU said something to my boyfriend when you shouldn't even had opened your mouth to a conversation you wasn't wanted in! Like it's fucking given your jealous that I turned you down and mad! You know what it's cool though. I laughed I opened his door and stormed out. I was so fuckin pissed. I started grabbing all my stuff getting it all together.

What you doing? Erica asked confused.

What the fuck does it fuckin look like? I yelled.

Why are you packing all your stuff?

I just got fuckin fired Erica!! I was so mad I started to cry.


Because your bum ass fuckin boss! He said something to fuckin Demon this morning, and he went off now Brent stupid ass trying to say someone seen him get into an altercation with him and because of the threats that was made the bored is trying to say I'm a liability and they can't trust that everyone will be safe. No one was a fucked round!

Oh naw! That's fuckin crazy! I'm so sorry this is happening.

I'm so fuckin mad! I yelled through my tears. I finished grabbing my bags.

Okay, okay! Just relax I can clean your office out to you and bring everything to you!

I'm just so aggravated! Like whyyyyy?!

It's gonna be okay! She pulled me into hug me and I cried harder. I just wanted to get out of here.

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