Chapter 57

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Days and days had gone by and before I knew it, it was another week. I was so stuck inside my head I was making myself sick. I was already sick because of the pregnancy but now everything was so intense. I didn't wanna get up, I didn't wanna go to work, I just didn't wanna leave my house.

I tried to abort my child thinking it was only one and it turned around and multiplied. I whole heartedly believe everything happens for a reason. My babies are suppose to be here. How am I gonna explain this to that man now...

I have to tell him....
Maybe this will soften things between us....
I don't fuckin know....
I just want my man back....

I got in the shower, letting all the water hit me. Maybe if I get up and try to go outside and get fresh air I'd start to feel better.

I got out and dried off. I went to my closet to put something on. I grabbed my purse and phone, and left out. I have to tell this man that we have children on the way not one but two!

I don't know how this is gonna make him feel....

Hey! I said shyly getting out the car walking over to Khi. I bit the side of my lip as the gut wrenching feeling of regret filled the pit of my stomach. "Is he here?" I asked nervously.

Nah nobody seen him in weeks.... Khi said as he blew the smoke from his mouth.

Oh...have you talked to him at least?

Nah, thought he might have been locked in with you until I learned that yall broke up...

He told you?

Nah not really just said yall not together that's it. Whatever the fuck you did to that nigga you need to fix it. He ain't the same and this ain't like him to be going weeks without checking in at least. So whatever the fuck yall got going on fix it! He spat towards me in anger before flicking the end of his blunt at my feet.

I took a deep breath before I spaz out. I turned to walk away and just leave. Fuck he mean nobody seen him in weeks?

I really feel like I fucked this man whole life up! I grabbed my phone from the cup holder and called my brother.

What? He asked answering.

Where are you?

Out the way! Stop fuckin calling me!

No I will not! You need to find Demon and tell him the truth! I don't give a fuck if you have to take a million different lie detector test in front of him! You're going to tell him the truth.

And if I don't? He laughed a bit as I was a joke.

Ima kill you!

Oweee that's spicy. You'll kill yo own blood over a nigga? That's crazy!

Not just some nigga! He's my husband! And I'm really starting to regret not letting him kill you! You really ruined need to apologize!

I'm not doing shit fuck you, and most definitely fuck him! He said with a smirk before hanging up on me.
I rolled my eyes so hard in anger.
My phone started ringing and it was an unfamiliar number.

Hello? I questioned.

Hey! Her crackled voice said on the other end of the phone.

Who's this? I asked confused.

This is Monique! She sounded like she been crying and her voice was cracking a bit.

Oh....what can I help you with?

Look ima get straight to the point....I've been having bad labor pains and I can't find Demon anywhere. Is he with you by any chance?

No im sorry he isn't ... do you think you need to go to the hospital?

I think so....

I can take you...

Oh my god thank you I can send you the address.

Okay, I'll be there in a few. I hung up the phone and headed towards where the girl lived. I'm not mad at him for having a baby on the way it's more so he kept it a secret though.

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