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(A/N:This story will be in Kaya's POV.) 

My name is Kaya, and I'm the half-demon child of a great dog demon by the name of Ichiro and a powerful Priestess by the name Kimiko. Most of the time, I resemble my father; medium brown hair, dark green eyes, fangs, claws and small dog ears. On the night of my "vulnerability" however, I resemble my mother; black hair, sapphire-blue eyes, no fangs, claws or dog ears. When I was young, father gave me a blue kimono made from the fur of the fire rat and my mother gave me a silver flower necklace. Both of which are for the protection of either myself or others. As far as abilities, I'm able to use both spiritual powers and demonic powers; because of this I use a bow and arrows along with a demonic sword. It has taken me a long time to train to use these, but I'm not done training quite yet. This a little of my past, a little of my present, and much of my future. The real story begins now.

(A/N: Hey guys, here is the first re-write of Kaya's Story. Let me know what y'all think and if you have any ideas for "obstacles" that she can tackle in the comments below. -Otaku 💙)

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