Chapter 91: Showdown at the Grave of InuYasha's Father

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I couldn't see anything through the mist as I fell, so it only took a moment for my fall to come to a painful halt. For a moment, I just laid on the ground looking up at the white mist with black spots dancing in my vision. It took me some time to recognize the shadow of a skeletal bird flying above me after the spots stopped. I stood up and jumped between two large rocks until finally landing on the bird. "We need to find InuYasha, I need your help," I told the skeletal bird. The bird of course didn't answer, but it allowed me to steer it towards the ground so I could catch his scent. I saw his shadow through the mist and told my bird to head in that direction. "Hey, InuYasha, need a ride?" I asked when I flew a few feet above him. He jumped up on the bird, just behind me and I told the bird to take us up. As we ascended, InuYasha sent a wind scar up between Hosenki and Naraku, destroying Naraku's arm. When we were half-way up, I called another bird and hopped onto it. "It would be easier for you to have your own bird; besides, I'm not sitting on the sidelines anymore," I told InuYasha. "Just watch out for Kagome," he commanded. "Will do," I said before heading in Kagome's direction while InuYasha continued towards Naraku. InuYasha got up before I did, so he and Naraku had plenty of time to insult each other and fight a bit. I took my place between Kagome and Naraku just as InuYasha used a normal wind scar against Naraku. For a second, I agreed that he was an idiot, but then I remembered his Backlash Wave. He wasn't an idiot; he still had a chance or at least I thought he did. The Backlash Wave didn't work, and it gave Naraku the perfect distraction to pick up Hosenki and hit InuYasha in the back and side with Hosenki. I couldn't risk hitting Naraku with anything because if InuYasha took another fall like that he probably wouldn't get back up. Naraku went into a monologue and tried to reach the Sacred Jewel Shard in Hosenki's body prompting Sango to use her Hiraikotsu to sever one of Naraku's arms. When she did though, a miasma was released from the wound, so I shot a sacred arrow to disperse it. Naraku once again tried to get the shard and this time he succeeded, calling it the Last Shard before throwing Hosenki and InuYasha back through the hole Hosenki had created. Naraku had won or at least that's what I thought. Suddenly a blast of blue demonic energy struck Naraku's barrier forcing him back several feet. Sesshomaru had joined the fight.

When he arrived, other than blasting Naraku with demonic energy he completely ignored him and instead went straight towards his Father's remains. He then noticed InuYasha, floated down to him, and punched him square in the face. Our group flew down to where they were just in time to hear Sesshomaru insult InuYasha before he ditched Jaken and jumped out to fight Naraku. I figured our best bet right now was to stay out of Sesshomaru's way, just until we could come up with a plan. A moment later, we heard Hosenki speak, causing us to turn towards him and watched as he changed from black back to the silver-white color from before. Without the Tainted Jewel Shard, he was himself again; much to our relief. Hosenki offered to help by instructing InuYasha to slay him or InuYasha paid with his life. If InuYasha was able to slay Hosenki, Tetsusaiga's power would increase and he would also gain a new technique. My problem with it was that Tetsusaiga couldn't even scratch Hosenki's adamant armor before, so why offer his power to InuYasha if it was most likely impossible? Then it dawned on me, "InuYasha don't," but I was too late. InuYasha struck with his sword and dozens of tiny adamant shards sliced him all over. He struck again and got the same result, but I knew InuYasha wasn't going to give up. Sadly, I also knew this wasn't the resolve Hosenki was talking about. I figured Hosenki and Master Totosai had something in common, so selfish reasons for wanting power weren't going to get him anywhere. As I was thinking this, I heard Jaken starting to panic and turned around to see a cloud of miasma headed our way. Kagome purified it with her arrow and the air cleared. Several more waves came and yet again Kagome purified them, but soon she informed us that the arrow she had just used was her last arrow. It was my turn to protect them, I only hoped that my spiritual power was strong enough.

Another wave came and I purified it just like Kagome had. Another wave of miasma appeared, but when I went to pull another arrow I realized my quiver was empty. They must've fallen out when I fell earlier, and I just hadn't realized. A second later, InuYasha moved in front of me, "get back with the others." I nodded and went to stand in front of the others next to Jaken and Shippo. InuYasha raised his sword to disperse the miasma but Hosenki began to badger him about his resolve and if the lives of his companions were more important than strengthening his sword. I could tell InuYasha was divided until Hosenki mentioned that his resolve may have weakened because he was a half-demon. That's when InuYasha made his choice and dispersed the miasma with his wind scar, only his wind scar was mixed with adamant spears. The spears pierced through Naraku and his barrier, giving Sesshomaru an open opportunity to strike. Naraku had been torn to shreds but he wasn't dead, not yet anyway. As Naraku began to disappear, the arrow Lady Kikyo had given Kagome began to glow and pulse meaning it was time for Kagome to use it. Kagome drew the arrow and fired it at the singular shard, purifying it just before Naraku and the arrow disappeared. InuYasha grabbed the Jewel Shard when it fell close enough to grab. He told Hosenki he was going to take it and Hosenki was disappointed he couldn't stop the fighting over the Jewel of Four Souls. That was when InuYasha vowed to destroy Naraku and anyone else who covets the Sacred Jewel. I knew right then that he no longer wanted to use the Sacred Jewel for himself, instead, he wanted it gone from this world. He was willing to fight as hard as he could to see the Jewel gone, something I had been hoping to hear from him for months now. "Let's go, people," InuYasha stated and I followed him out onto the birds. We flew to catch up with Sesshomaru because he had come through the gate and that was our only exit. Our flight though gave us some time to think, and I knew I had to get stronger if I was going to hide the Sacred Jewel indefinitely. I also knew that I had to destroy Naraku, no matter what it takes.

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