Chapter 65: Showdown at Mt. Hakurei

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When we reached the base of the mountain, we waited for quite a while but Sango and Miroku were nowhere in sight. InuYasha instructed Kagome to stay put while he went after them. Kagome protested, but I knew InuYasha was right. He needed to make sure they were okay and he was the only one with the strength to do it. InuYasha called out the wolf demons who had followed us, Ginta and Hakkaku popped up first, shortly followed by Koga. He commanded them to watch over Kagome until he got back, then added me to list, as well. He doesn't know me as well as he thought he did. Shortly after InuYasha ran off, I came from behind the group. "I'll go after him. Just stay here with Koga." I said to Kagome. "I thought the mutt told you to stay here, too," Koga stated. "He can give me orders, but that doesn't mean I'll follow them," I retorted before racing off after InuYasha.

Even for someone with spiritual powers, this barrier sucked. The closer I got to the mountain, the stronger it got and the harder it was to move. No matter how hard it got though, my focus was getting to InuYasha. I had a theory and if it was right, I'd be more protection than he would have otherwise. Just as InuYasha came into sight, an explosion sent him into the barrier. I heard him scream and a bright light floated up. Damn idiot, I just hope my theory is right. That's when I noticed Renkotsu and charged him. He hadn't noticed me yet, giving me a slight advantage. I notched an arrow, firing it in his direction, but missed. My aim is effected too, it seems. He turned around surprised I had snuck up on him. Just as I was about to fire another arrow, I got hit from behind sending me into the barrier, as well. I screamed in agony for a moment before falling to the ground next to InuYasha. My theory was right, we were human and alive. A second later, Renkotsu attacked again. InuYasha grabbed my hand and took off running, at least now I could keep up with him. We ran for a while, with Renkotsu hot on our trail; explosions coming dangerously close. We reached a small cliff, InuYasha and I made it up just as Renkotsu fired on us again, causing us to roll down into a small valley below. When we sat up, I felt wind blow from next to me causing me to look to my right. A crack in the mountain gave us perfect cover. Renkotsu thought he had us cornered and fired again, but I grabbed InuYasha's hand pulling him into the crack and escaping in the nick of time. "Just what the hell are you doing here?" InuYasha questioned as we moved further into the cave. "Easing Kagome's mind. She was worried so I came after you," I explained. He didn't get to say anything else because about that time Jakotsu's sword barely missed cutting us in half. "Renkotsu was right. Is that really you as a mortal? You're as cute a human as you are a half-demon," Jakotsu stated with glee. "Just kill me now," I muttered to myself. InuYasha said Jakotsu's name with anger lacing his voice. Jakotsu licked his lips, before continuing. "I've been waiting for the time when I could fight you again, InuYasha, but first the woman has to die." InuYasha stood in front of me in a protective stance. "Leave the woman to me, Jakotsu, you finish off InuYasha," Ko ordered. Jakotsu smiled, "fine by me." With that our battles commenced.

I wish I could say I was faring well, but honestly, Ko was throwing me around like a rag-doll. I could tell InuYasha wasn't doing much better. Ko was the real thing and not some demon puppet, that much I could tell. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. If she wasn't so fast, I would've hit her by now with an arrow, but as it were I was just trying to dodge her attacks. She was full-demon and using the power of a jewel shard to increase her strength. That was one of the few helpful things about me being human, I could sense the aura of Sacred Jewel Shards. Hers had an evil aura surrounding it, but I couldn't tell where it was on her body. If I could just hit her shard and purify it I could kill her and help InuYasha with Jakotsu. I was running out of arrows and out of options. Ko knocked me to the ground the same was she had at that castle, placing her weapon at my throat. I looked up at her and growled with defiance, causing her to laugh. "Your mother would be disappointed at how weak you are. You are pathetic, even for a mortal." "You know nothing of my mother!" I yelled before kicking Ko off balance, giving me enough room to get up. She growled at me before laughing again, "the sooner I kill you the sooner I can unseal my mother's power. So, die!" She exclaimed before sending another attack my way. This time I wasn't fast enough. Her weapon tore into my shoulder causing me to cry out in pain. I fired another arrow at her, but she dodged. Unsealing her mother's power and revenge, that's when the realization hit. I must have made a face because Ko spoke, "yes, that's right. I am the daughter of Mai and I am going to avenge her death by killing the daughter of the woman who killed her!" "Slim chance of that," I retorted. Another attack struck me sending me into the ground. I wasn't going to last much longer, my vision was already starting to go. I stood up and Ko looked at me for a moment before snapping her fingers. My entire body felt like it was on fire, causing me to fall to a kneeling position. "You have now been inflicted with a curse of my own making, you don't have long now," She stated, matter of factly. "Yeah, well, I don't play by your rules," I told her defiantly while slowly standing up. I wasn't going to die, not until Ko and Naraku were but dust in the wind.

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