Chapter 51: I Did What?!

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We found InuYasha and Kagome in an open field with the lingering scents of Sesshomaru and Kohaku. I'm glad Sesshomaru didn't kill Kohaku, because that wouldn't have ended well. As much as I don't show it, I truly do care about InuYasha and his friends. Anyway, as we left the field Kagome requested to return home because we didn't have any leads and it had been a long time since she was there. So, we headed back to Kaede's village. On the way there, I requested to leave the group until Kagome returned. InuYasha agreed, reluctantly. I said my good-byes and headed towards the Village of Half-Demons.

I hadn't been there since Ryu got captured and wanted to check on him and talk to Hiroshi about that panther demon who resembled Koneko. With Naraku in hiding, it made it easier for me to visit without worrying about getting Ryu or another member of the village killed. My thoughts were interrupted by Yasuo, who jumped in front of me with his bow drawn. "What are you doing here?" he snarled. "What's your problem? I just came to check on Ryu." I replied angrily. "That's what you said a couple of days ago, too." His voice laced with anger. What did he mean a couple of days ago? "Yasuo, I've been traveling with companions for a couple of weeks and haven't been back here until now," I explained. "Liar!" he yelled before firing an arrow. I dodged it with ease, so he put away his bow and attacked head-on. I only blocked his attacks, because I didn't want to fight him, but he caught on. "Fight back, you coward!" he yelled. I jumped back out of range before replying, "I'm not going to fight you." "Fine, then you will die here!" he exclaimed before charging again. This went on for what quite a while until I felt that my movements were starting to slow. Unfortunately, I was right and Yasuo got in a good blow sending me into a nearby tree. "Yasuo, what are you doing? We've been looking all over for you," A voice stated from behind me. Akito soon walked into view. "Oh, so the dog girl decided to show her face again." I growled in response. That's when Ryu's scent entered my senses and soon he came into view as well. "What are you doing here, Kaya?" Ryu asked angrily. "Can someone please explain what the hell happened a couple of days ago?" I questioned while standing up. "Like you don't know," Ryu replied. "Ryu, no, I don't know. I've been traveling with InuYasha for the past two weeks. So, I have no idea why you all are so angry with me," I explained. "You've been with InuYasha? Are you sure you weren't traveling with a young girl?" Ryu questioned. "No, I've been with InuYasha, Kagome, and his friends. I have never traveled with a young girl," I informed him. Ryu seemed to consider my answer before speaking again, "come with me."

We entered the village and I noticed it had been utterly destroyed. Huts had been collapsed, there were scars on the ground and several places were smoking as if they had been on fire. "Who did this?" I asked. "You did," Ryu stated. "What?! I never would have done something like this. I only wish I had gotten here sooner to stop whoever it was." I was appalled. No one, unless they were evil, would attack such a peaceful village. "Ryu, she shouldn't be back in here!" Hiroshi yelled from behind us. "Father, I don't think she's the one who did this," Ryu informed him. "How do you know? She could be manipulating you," Hiroshi argued. Ryu turned to me and pulled me into a hug and I returned the hug quickly. Ryu let go and I did too. "I feel like that's proof enough, Father," Ryu said with a smirk. "Kaya," Koneko yelled as she ran and jumped into my arms, "you're back!" I giggled, "yes, I am. Now can someone tell me what happened a couple of days ago?"

Hiroshi beckoned for me and Ryu to follow him, so I put Koneko down and did so. Once we reached his hut, we went inside, and he explained that roughly two days ago a young girl and a demon who had disguised herself as me attacked the village after taking down the barrier. Once the village had been destroyed, they left, and the barrier reappeared. The village hunters were looking for her when I showed up and that's why Yasuo attacked me. Someone who looked like me had attacked his home. If I was in his position, I would've done the same. "She disappeared two days ago? Was it about sunset when she vanished?" I inquired. "How'd you know that?" Ryu questioned. "Naraku disappeared about that same time, so my guess is she is working for Naraku," I informed them. Naraku has attacked the village twice, he won't live long enough to do it a third; I'll make sure of that. 

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