Chapter 52: The Mysterious Demon

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The next morning was busy. I had to strengthen the barrier to make sure this never happened again. Plus, I planned on helping the villagers rebuild while I was here, and I had to talk to Hiroshi about Yemon. Three days was not enough time. By the time the sun went down, we had repaired most of the village and I was glad to see it bustling once again. My next task was to talk to Hiro. When I returned to his hut, I found him staring into the fire; probably thinking. He noticed me enter and looked up from the fire, "Good evening, Kaya. How did it go today?" "It went well. Most of the village is repaired or rebuilt and the barrier is strengthened." I reported. "That's good to hear," He stated. "Hiro, is something wrong?" I asked as I sat across from him. "This Naraku, he attacked because you've been coming here, correct?" He questioned. "Yes, I believe so. I just don't know how he found out about this village. When I was helping him, I never told him I had been coming here," I explained. "I see. I take it you haven't told this InuYasha, either?" He inquired. "No, even if he is a half-demon. I didn't think it was my place to tell him." Hiroshi nodded in response and returned his gaze to the fire.

"Hiro, I wanted to ask you about someone I've met recently. A panther demon, to be exact." I stated, hesitantly. "A panther demon?" He asked. "Yes, he said his name was Yemon, do you know him?" I asked. "Yemon was a part of this village until roughly 50 years ago. He is Koneko's father, but as far as I know, he was killed shortly after Koneko's mother died," Hiro stated. "I thought that too, but he looked exactly like Koneko," I explained. "I see, it is a possibility it's him. Shortly before his death, he told me about a powerful dog demon from the east, who he claimed had killed his father many years ago. He told me that he learned the dog demon had a little girl and had decided to hunt down the child," Hiro informed me. "My father was the Lord of the East. I must have been that little girl," I stated, quietly. "Whatever happened is in the past. I know this will not change your mind about Koneko, so you have nothing to worry about." I nodded in response. We sat in silence until Ryu rushed inside the hut. "The demon is back."

The three of us ran out of the hut. "Where is she?" I asked as we ran. "She's on the west side of the barrier," Ryu reported. "Ryu, Hiro, I need you to get everyone away from that side of the barrier," I commanded. They both nodded before taking off. Now, I can deal with that demon. I ran through the barrier just north of where the demon and her companion stood. The demon gave me a wicked smile. Which was creepy to watch coming from my own face. I drew my bow and fired an arrow at the companion first, who had been placing sutras outside the barrier in an attempt to break it. When the arrow made contact, the demon's companion exploded into shreds of paper. The companion had been a shikigami. The demon growled in rage, causing me to laugh. "You know," I started as I drew my sword, "if you're going to try and intimidate someone, you shouldn't wear their face." The demon charged and I slashed with Tenkari. She jumped back in surprise and began to change form. After several seconds, before me stood a very beautiful and very powerful female demon. "You are stronger than I figured a half-breed would be," She said. "Half-breed or not, I'm going to kill you for what you did to this village," I exclaimed before raising my sword to attack using spiritual winds. The attack headed straight for her, but at the last second, she dodged and disappeared. She reappeared behind me and scratched me across the back with her claws. I screamed in pain; my body immediately felt like it was on fire. "Well, it seems the half-breed isn't immune to poison, now is she?" The demon stated with a smirk. "You know you're starting to piss me off!" I exclaimed as I turned to attack again, but she was gone. When she reappeared, she charged, and I blocked with my sword before attacking. We continued to battle for what felt like years, I could feel my strength leaving more quickly by the second and every movement had caused my body pain. If I didn't end this quickly I was dead for sure. That's when my blade started to pulse and turn a light blue; surprising us both. I didn't know what else to do but swing, when I did a blue wave of demonic energy left my blade striking the demon almost instantly. The demon screamed in pain "I will be back!" She vowed before disappearing. "And I'll be waiting," I said quietly. When I got back inside the barrier, I felt myself start to fall. Someone caught me before I hit the ground and they picked me up. As they did, I fell into darkness.

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