Chapter 35: I Become a Servant

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Naraku stopped when we reached the grounds of a castle, and we both landed outside a garden. Before I could even take in my surroundings, Naraku had a tentacle around my throat, holding me against a small tree. I put my hands up to the tentacle, trying to pry it off. "Were you planning on betraying me, Kaya?" Naraku asked. I could only gasp in reply because his tentacle had begun squeezing tighter. I quickly moved one of my hands from my throat and slashed the tentacle. It released and I fell to the ground, coughing and gasping for air. "No." I said, in a weak voice. "Good. I have a new job for you. You are to stay here and help guard the Lord of this castle. You will do everything he tells you." Naraku commanded. "Fine. Whatever you say." I growled. "Also, you might want to at least look human for this. The guards don't take too kindly to demons." Naraku said, with a smirk. This guy was trying to get me to make a move against him. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction, "Sure, whatever you say."

I had been at the castle of Lord Hitomi for roughly four days now, as a human. I became one of his main guards, per Naraku's request. Naraku was one of Lord Hitomi's advisors, so it's not like I had a choice regardless. I mainly stayed by the Lord's room, but today he had a different request. "Kaya, I have a job for you." Lord Hitomi stated. I moved from my position and kneeled in front of his room, "What do you need me to do, sir?" "As you know, a demon has been plaguing the castle. I would like you to go and fetch the Demon Slayers to dispatch the demon." He commanded. "My Lord, forgive me, but I could easily dispatch the demon. There is no need to involve the Demon Slayers." I replied. "Are you refusing orders, again, Kaya?" Naraku said from behind me. "No, just giving a suggestion. I will leave at once, my Lord." I stated, before getting up and heading towards the front gates of the castle.

I arrived at the village of Demon Slayers the next morning. It hadn't changed much in 50 years, everything was still as lively as ever. "Who goes there?" A guard demanded. I bowed, "My Lord has asked me to come to ask for your help. We are being plagued by a fierce demon and have lost many men. "Of course." The guard said, "Follow me." I stood and followed the guard into the village. I looked around as we walked, it reminded me of the trips I had taken with Mother. "Chief, it seems we have a visitor." The guard stated. "Thank you, Eiji. I'll take it from here." The guard left and the chief turned to me. "How can we assist you?" The chief asked. "I have come on behalf of the castle of Lord Hitomi. He has sent me to you in hopes that you will help us with the fierce spider demon that has been plaguing our castle. Many of the servants and guards have been slain. He instructed me to specifically ask for your best Slayers, so the problem can come to a swift end." I explained. "We will assist you with the demon. One of our best Slayers has gone on a mission, but we will help you once she returns." The chief explained. I bowed, "Thank you, we are in your debt." I stayed at the Village of Demon Slayers until the female Demon Slayer had returned, and then I showed them the way to the castle.

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