Chapter 102: Tetsusaiga Gains Dragon Scales

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When I reached the village, not only were Kagome and InuYasha's scents gone, but so were Miroku, Sango, and Shippo's as well. "They have left, Kaya. I thought ye had gone with them, but it seems ye weren't just hiding in the forest," Lady Kaede said from behind me. "No," I said as I turned toward her, "I left to visit the Village of Half-Demons." "They headed west." "Thank you for your help," I stated before bowing and heading west. For them to already be gone, InuYasha and Kagome must have returned early. I guess Kagome is having as much trouble focusing as I am. As I thought this I heard screaming from above. I looked up just in time to see a tanuki crash down in front of me. He looked beaten up, but I knew better than to try and help him. The wind blew and not only did I catch the scent of the tanuki, but I also caught the residual scent of InuYasha and Shippo. I think I had figured out who had beaten this guy up. Considering I had seen the direction he had come from I took off and found the scent trail. I also found a lot of destruction from a couple of wind scars, one much weaker than the other. After getting InuYasha's scent fully, I took off at full speed hoping to catch up.

I tracked InuYasha's scent until I lost it somewhere around a very familiar volcano. InuYasha had been to visit Master Totosai in the last day or two. That was my best bet for finding him and the others. When I approached the cave, Master Totosai acted as though he was expecting me. "Kaya, I was expecting you sooner," Master Totosai stated. "What do you mean?" That was when I noticed a dragon scale sitting on the stone he used for sword crafting. "Yes, that is in a way a dragon scale. No, it does not belong to the demon you fought on Mount Hakurei." He knew exactly what I was going to ask, much to my relief. "Who does it belong to and why did InuYasha bring it to you?" "It was part of a demon sword similar to Dakki. InuYasha fought a demon wielding such a blade." That explains the two different wind scar scents. "What is Dakki, exactly?" "A proper Dakki is a demonic sword that absorbs the power from every blade and demon it comes in contact with. It works similarly to the way Tenkari absorbs demonic power, just much stronger." A terrible thought occurred to me and I hoped it didn't come true. "Thank you, Master Totosai. I have the feeling I'm going to have to stop InuYasha from doing something rather stupid." "First, has the scar in Tenkari healed?" Damn it. "Not fully. I can heal it by absorbing the power of a few more demons. Right now, though, making sure InuYasha gets to continue using Tetsusaiga is my priority. I will only use my blade when necessary to make sure it doesn't crack again." With that last exchange, we said our good-byes, and I took off after InuYasha.

I knew InuYasha probably wasn't stupid enough to pick a fight with someone wielding a sword that could make Tetsusaiga unusable. Then again, he is stubborn and sometimes clueless, so I could be wrong. Anyway, it took me a long time to pick up anyone's scents because of the residual volcano scent. It also helped that my nose was also tuned to the scent of the wind scar, which InuYasha used quite frequently when fighting demons. When I caught up to them, he was fighting a dragon demon who I assumed was Ryujin. It didn't take InuYasha much time to take care of the demon. I guess I hadn't noticed how much stronger InuYasha had gotten since gaining and wielding Tetsusaiga. Just when we thought the demon was down, a human wielding a demonic sword finished Ryujin off. Ryujin disappeared and the blade grew dragon scales right before our eyes. The human's head covering fell away to reveal that scales matching the blade had appeared around his eye. This human was trying to wield a true Dakki and even absorb Tetsusaiga's demonic power. Myoga suggested that InuYasha just kill the guy and move on but I knew it wouldn't be that simple. Not only would he be putting his life at risk, but his fight with Naraku would be over if he lost. Plus, there was the risk of him going demon and losing control if Tetsusaiga shattered, like it was trying to do as we watched. If he was going to win this, he had to do it on his own. It was the only way he could strengthen Tetsusaiga and stand a real chance against Naraku and Moryomaru. If he could increase Tetsusaiga's ability to absorb demonic energy, he could absorb that of every demon he kills from now on; including the human who was turning demon. Hoshu, who I heard was the human, tried to use a wind scar against InuYasha one he countered with the backlash wave. I thought he had won until Hoshu stood up with Dakki held high, absorbing InuYasha's attack. Before our very eyes, Tetsusaiga transformed and became absolutely useless. I couldn't sense even a small amount of demonic power in the blade anymore, so I decided to try and help. Miroku and Sango had the same idea but InuYasha said he and Tetsusaiga were going to finish what they started. InuYasha advanced with Tetsusaiga and pushed the blade into the crack that had formed in Dakki. I knew exactly what he was doing and knew if it cracked even a bit more, he would win. A second later, Hoshu screamed in agony before disappearing, leaving behind only his hand because it had fused with Dakki. All of a sudden Dakki split in two and transferred its demonic power back to Tetsusaiga, when this happened Tetsusaiga's blade grew dragon scales. InuYasha had succeeded once again, much to my relief. Just as InuYasha began sheathing Tetsusaiga, he had a silent conversation with the sword; something I had done on many occasions. After that, Ginta and Hakkaku ran by yelling for Koga and Kagome informed us that there were four Sacred Jewel Shards in the direction the wolves were heading; so, we took off after them.

Honestly, even though InuYasha claims he's not trying to kill Koga for Kagome's sake, this time he came really close. He did save Koga and the wolf pup, though, so I'm not too concerned. Moryomaru had absorbed some kind of strong demon just before we arrived, so there was no telling what he was capable of. I didn't think the situation could get worse until InuYasha used his adamant barrage and Moryomaru absorbed it before using it to capture Koga in an adamant encased arm. Instead of trying his normal techniques, InuYasha then summoned Tetsusaiga's dragon scale form. Sometimes I'm not sure if he has a brain. Regardless, when InuYasha attacked I thought I was going to be eating those words, but no Tetsusaiga dislodged from Moryomaru's armor and flung InuYasha backwards. That was when my sword started pulsing and trembling almost like it was begging me to draw it. I didn't draw though, instead I watched Kagome shoot an arrow at the where the Sacred Jewel Shard was so InuYasha could break open Moryomaru's shell and get him to release Koga. That plan worked causing Koga and InuYasha to strike Moryomaru together. Then, they began to argue with each other after Koga tried to give InuYasha orders. Their arguing, though, made it to where I couldn't just ignore Tenkari anymore, so I moved to stand with Koga and InuYasha just before I drew my blade. Tenkari was reacting to Tetsusaiga more than usual because of Tetsusaiga's new ability to absorb demonic power. An ability I knew InuYasha wouldn't be able to survive long at his current strength. After the boys finished arguing, the three of us attacked Moryomaru in the spot where his armor had been broken open. He retreated before we could finish him off, but I was okay with that. InuYasha, Koga and the two wolf pups were alive, but Tetsusaiga had been thrown from InuYasha's hand because the demonic energy it had absorbed could no longer be contained. Right after the battle was over, a new incarnation of Naraku appeared. Kagome drew her bow and I stood ready with Tenkari, but the demon, Byakuya of the Dreams, only gave us a piece of advice that sounded more like a warning. Naraku has made his move for the end game, now it was time to make ours. I knew InuYasha was in no condition to wield the dragon scale form of Tetsusaiga at this moment, but I knew he would be soon. 

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