Chapter 50: Naraku Disappears

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Traveling with InuYasha's group was different. They seemed to take things relatively slowly, even stopping to play games during breaks. It was a change of pace for sure. During one of these breaks, we had stopped and were playing a rock, paper, scissors type game where when you won,  you used words to move forward on a path. It was a game I had played with Kagome when I was young. I was never very good at the game, but still enjoyed playing; it was a nice reminder of where I grew up. Shortly after my team, Miroku, Sango and I, almost lost sight of Kagome's team, a random smoke surrounded us. I heard movement but I couldn't pick up a scent due to the smoke. Once the smoke had cleared, we went to go talk to InuYasha, Kagome, and Shippo who informed Kagome's Jewel Shards were gone. So, we took off following Kagome's directions and caught up to the demon quickly. After some persuasion, the demon agreed to give us back our things. It was harmless, so I'm happy we let him go.

Several hours later, we found a monk who said he would sharpen weapons or give us advice for free. Most of the group agreed, all but InuYasha and I. We continued on our way and returned to the monk in the late evening and found he had fallen asleep. Kagome left a note for him, thanking him for his great work before we decided to find somewhere to stay for the night. When we stopped Miroku spotted a hot spring not too far away, so we decided to go enjoy the hot spring. For me it was strange to have other people around, I guess I got used to being alone. Once Kagome, Sango, Shippo and I finished, the boys went in. That's when Kagome noticed Sesshomaru, causing both of them to stand up and promptly fall over. Sango went after him, leaving Kagome and me to take care of the boys. When we walked to get their clothes, we noticed the Tetsusaiga was gone so I went after Sango to help get back the Tetsusaiga. When I arrived, Jaken was using his staff to keep Sango from getting close. I jumped over the flame and behind the imp who turned the staff towards me, causing me to jump out of the way. This went on until InuYasha and the others arrived. InuYasha jumped up and landed behind Jaken, but then a blast of demonic energy came from the sky, causing us to look up. There was a human girl riding Sesshomaru's creature, which confused me. She came down from the sky and saved Jaken. The little girl dropped Tetsusaiga as she recused the imp, both took off into the night, letting InuYasha get his sword and shirt back.

The next morning as we were traveling, InuYasha and I caught Naraku's scent. We took off to follow it, but when we got closer InuYasha started to leave most of the group in the dust. When this began to happen, Kagome stopped him and informed him there was a Jewel Shard nearby, so we split up. I went with InuYasha and the others went after the Jewel Shard. The closer we got to Naraku's scent the more it seemed to fade, which meant his barrier was closing so we didn't have much time. We reached the end of the trail and InuYasha charged Naraku's barrier, before using the Tetsusaiga to break it down. We ran in and were stopped by Kagura, who didn't seem to try that hard while fighting us. She retreated to the sky once a hoard of Naraku's demons arrived. We made quick work of the demons and continued towards the castle. Once we reached the castle grounds, InuYasha released a wind scar sending it towards Naraku who put up a barrier, only to have it and his body destroyed. The sheer look of terror and surprise on Naraku's face was amazing. Naraku regained his composure and attacked InuYasha and me, we sliced through every attack using our swords. That is until Naraku's flesh surrounded and captured us. InuYasha broke free before I did, and we continued the fight. Once Naraku was down, Sesshomaru emerged from a chunk of flesh to our left. Sesshomaru and InuYasha immediately started arguing, but I continued the assault. Naraku grew in size as he and I fought, causing the two brothers to quit arguing and attack. Our advance caused Naraku to slow his attacks slightly, we slashed away most of his body leaving him badly wounded. InuYasha used his wind scar tearing apart more of Naraku's body, but Sesshomaru dealt a finished blow with his dragon strike. When Naraku began to flee he mentioned he had taken someone of interest to Sesshomaru. Shortly after that, Naraku disappeared with a trace. Sesshomaru left after Naraku did, so InuYasha and I went to go find Kagome and the others.

We found Kagome and the others outside a hut surrounded by demons, I rushed to help the others while InuYasha saved Kagome. They left to go find Kohaku and make sure Sesshomaru didn't kill him. Once Miroku, Sango, and I finished off the remaining demons we left to join Kagome and InuYasha.

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