Chapter 20: A Rivalry Begins

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The village was in absolute chaos. Several of the huts had been destroyed, so debris was scattered about. There were people and animals running in all directions. It took a moment for the demon to notice us, but when it did its main focus was Kagome. "The Sacred Jewel! I must have the Jewel!" The demon yelled. "I told you I don't have it!" Kagome yelled. The demon began to charge, but I was frozen in place. Why would Mistress Centipede, as Kaede called her, think Kagome has the Shikon Jewel? It's still in the Nether World with Lady Kikyo, isn't it? I was pulled from my thoughts when I heard Kagome yell and I took off following her scent. I caught up to Kagome at the same time the villagers did. They speared Mistress Centipede and tried to hold her back. It didn't last long though, because she broke free and attacked Kagome flinging her into the air. As we watched, a small pink orb flew out of her side. Before any of us could react, Mistress Centipede held Kagome to the tree and swallowed the Jewel. That's when I heard a voice, asking Kagome if she could pull out an arrow. I immediately realized who was speaking, it was InuYasha. Kaede told Kagome not to pull out the arrow, but InuYasha was more convincing. After a faint pink glow, the spell vanished and InuYasha was set free. Within what felt like seconds, the demon was destroyed but continued to move. Kaede told Kagome to find the glowing patch of flesh, explaining that if she didn't Mistress Centipede would revive. She did so, and Kaede pulled the Jewel from the spot causing the demon to disintegrate. Kaede handed the Sacred Jewel to Kagome and told her only she could possess the jewel. I didn't fully understand what was going on, but I felt like I was beginning to; especially after InuYasha spoke again. Kagome took off running, but luckily, she tripped, keeping her at a 'safe' distance from InuYasha's claws. She got up and kept running with InuYasha on her heels. It took me a moment before I took off after them. I wasn't going to let him hurt Kagome like he did Kikyo. When I got close, I say bright lights start to form around InuYasha's neck and I heard Kaede tell Kagome that her word could hold his spirit. That's when I figured out what the lights were, and I smirked. I finally reached them at a bridge and watched as InuYasha leaned down to get the Jewel. Kagome finally figured out a word to use. "Sit Boy!" rang out in Kagome's voice sending InuYasha face first into the bridge. She yelled this several more times until the bridge gave way and he fell in the river below. Kagome picked up the Sacred Jewel and left with Kaede to return to the village, I, on the other hand, took off following the river to find InuYasha; mainly to laugh in his face because I knew no amount of strength would get him out of this one.

After searching most of the night and next day, I returned to the village to find InuYasha in Kaede's hut. "Well look what the cat dragged in." I joked. InuYasha released a low growl and I laughed. "You're not as intimidating now. Those beads of subjugation around your neck make sure of that." I said. I was probably enjoying his pain more than I should, but I really didn't care at the time. He turned and glared at me, "Who do you think you are?" "You mean haven't figured it out yet? I shouldn't be surprised it has been a long time, Big Brother." I said with a smirk. Everyone in the room gave me a confused look. "Kaya, why did you call him 'Big Brother'?" Kagome asked. "That's what I'd call him sometimes when I was little, but it seems he doesn't remember. I guess it's for the best he doesn't." I said. "Anyway, since it seems he's not a threat; I'm going to go look around. Be careful, Kagome, I'll see you later." Before anyone could respond, I took off out the door towards the supply hut.

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