Chapter 98: Lifting the 'Curse'

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Curses are different depending on the person or demon who uses them. The curse that supposedly plagued this particular village caused the nearby rivers to flood out their food supply. When Harue and Ayako's mother, Azami, explained this I didn't want to argue. Honestly, when I agreed to help I didn't realize how complicated things were going to get.

The morning after I had arrived at this bustling village, I ran into a very confused Yasuo and a very relieved Ryu. Today was the day when the floods were supposed to come, and I had a funny feeling they were involved. "Good morning, priestess," Ryu greeted. "Good morning." I hated how awkward this was. "Priestess, the floods are almost here," Azami called. I nodded to Ryu and Yasuo before running to the edge of the village. I told the villagers that I would be able to shield their crops because they told me the floods only lasted a little bit. At least that part was true about the whole situation because I wasn't sure I would've been able to hold back the flooding much longer than I had. There was something they weren't telling me about this so-called curse. Why this village and not others in the region, what was this village hiding. I got my answer later that night.

After the villagers had retired for the night, I had gone down to the river to check on why I wasn't healing as quickly as before. The head of the dragon scar was just above my heart and the tail was in the middle of my abdomen. Fighting Naraku and Hakudoshi had caused it to grow closer to my heart. "Kaya—" Ryu stopped talking and turned away. I quickly realized why and fixed my top back in its position. "What are you doing out here?" I asked. "I was going to ask you the same thing," Ryu replied. "I can't sleep and apparently neither can you." "You know what I mean. I spoke to InuYasha and he thought you were probably dead. I'm glad you're alive," Ryu stated. I frowned, 'you came looking for me, didn't you?" "That's not the point, why do you have a scar that looks like a dragon and how long have you had it?" "I've had it a couple of months and I don't know why I have it." Ryu looked even more concerned than before, "it's preventing you from healing. I smelled your blood when I got here which means the other demons in the region probably smelled it too." "I can take care of myself, you know," I told him. He moved closer and put his hand on my cheek, "I know, but that doesn't stop me from worrying about you." "Are you two being weird again?" "Yasuo, a pleasure as always," I stated as Ryu and I split apart. "You're here to break their curse or at least that's what the village people are saying," Yasuo stated. "How do you--, wait you don't have something to do with this do you?" Yasuo looked down, suddenly focused on his hands. "Why this village? What happened here to warrant this?" I inquired "This is the village where Yasuo was born. The villagers killed his mother and tried to kill him when he was young. Father rescued him and he's lived at the Village of Half-Demons since." Ryu explained. I didn't know what to say. I had heard of that happening to half-demons and their human parents, but I didn't realize entire villages would conspire to do that. That is one thing humans and demons seem to have in common. "It was a long time ago, but this village deserves much worse than flooded crops," Yasuo stated. "300 years isn't very long for demons," Ryu chimed in. "It is for humans. 300 hundred years could be the start and end to countless generations. Yasuo, if I can prove humans can change will you stop flooding their land?" I asked, softly. "If you can then yes, but I doubt you can prove that," Yasuo replied. Ryu nodded, "Humans can be cruel, but they can also be accepting." I grabbed my necklace and turned back into my half-demon form. "This way neither of you is put in danger of losing supplies for your village." "Just be careful, Kaya. You know better than anyone that humans can be unpredictable," Ryu told me. I nodded and the three of us walked back to the village.

The next morning the village was filled with the scent of fear, but that fear had nothing to do with me; in fact, the villagers greeted me with kindness. No, the fear was for the headman of the village. He was supposedly a great warrior and ruthless leader, not that I bought that. He was more than likely a punk human who knew how to instill fear. These types of humans were easy enough to deal with without killing anyone. They are normally cowards, or at least in my experience they are. This one, not so much. The headman was most assuredly a demon who had all of these villagers fooled. "Lord Isas, you've returned," Azami said from behind me. "Woman," he pointed at me, "what is someone like you doing here?" "I'm sorry, 'someone like me'?" I challenged. "A half-breed. Grab her," Isas ordered. I allowed them to continue, I don't harm humans when I don't have too. Isas led his men to his hut and had them throw me at his feet. "I'll ask you again, why are you here?" I stood up and drew my bow, "to stop the curse that you brought upon this village." His men drew their swords, but I didn't waver. "You, you're that girl from 50 years ago. The one who gave me this," he stated as he removed his shirt to reveal a burn scar on his shoulder. "Sorry, I can't remember. I've met too many demons who weren't as lucky as you. Now tell your men to drop their swords or you won't be getting up this time." He gestured to his men and I heard them sheath their swords. "You're here because of that brat and his mother, that's it isn't it? It's been 300 hundred years you'd think he'd let it go," Isas stated. I released my arrow and it pierced his scar, fixing him to the wall. "You killed his mother and tried to kill him. I have no sympathy for demons or humans who act like you." "You half-demons are all the same. You talk too much," Isas stated as he pulled the arrow from his shoulder. He didn't get to do anything because I fired again, causing the demon to disintegrate. I turned around to leave when I saw Isas's men on the ground, kneeling. "You have freed us." I bowed and walked outside to get the same reaction, from everyone but Azami. "I knew you would help us, but I didn't realize how you would. You're friends, they are the ones you were fighting for?" I nodded. "Thank you, priestess," Azami whispered. "You knew?" "Yes, I saw you change at the river last night. Be safe on your journey." "You as well, Azami." With that, I left to go join Yasuo and Ryu at the edge of town. Yasuo was the first to speak when I approached, "you killed him." "I had to in order to free those villagers." "Thank you." Not the reaction I was expecting. "I've spent the last 150 years trying to get to him, but I couldn't. You not only freed those humans, but you helped me get revenge. I will quit flooding their fields as long as you agree to come back with us." I nodded with a smile, "I think I can do that." With our agreement in place, the three of us headed in the direction of the Village of Half-Demons.

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