Chapter 72: The Pig

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We returned to the past later that evening and I was so happy to be back. I never thought I'd see the day when I hated returning to the future, but that day had come. Seeing everyone again was much more painful than fighting demons. By the time we had gotten back to Kaede's, it had gotten dark, so the group decided to head out in the morning. We didn't have time to slow down because we had to find the remaining Shikon Jewel Shards before Naraku could. The next morning, a man named Kisuke came to Kaede's village in search of someone who would help him with a demon. The demon was abducting women to take as his bride and any village that refused was destroyed. It surprised me when Miroku was the one to decline to help the man, especially since women were involved. About the time I was going to volunteer, InuYasha stood up and accepted the task. I stood up right after he did, followed by Miroku at the word of beautiful women. Sango and Kagome soon joined, causing our group as a whole to follow the man to the cave where they were hiding the women of the region.

Traveling to the cave didn't take much time, but it did help me realize how clueless InuYasha can be at times. Not that I have room to talk, but still. When we reached the cave, Kisuke took us to the girls. He was right about one thing they were beautiful. Miroku stepped forward to reassure the girls but ended up flirting with them like he normally does. Several minutes later, we began to sense a strong demonic aura causing us to rush outside the cave. We decided to lead the demon away and Kagome decided to be bait for the demon. At that moment, InuYasha said something stupid and with a quick "sit" from Kagome, InuYasha and I crashed to the ground. Everyone but Kagome hid in the bushes, waiting for the demon to show himself fully. When he did, we were disappointed. The term pig didn't just describe his personality, because the demon was a literal pig. I'm starting to sense some irony. InuYasha, Miroku, and I began to walk away, leaving Sango, Kagome, and Shippo to deal with the pig demon. When the pig began talking about 'Journey to the West', I had a vague idea of what he was talking about and so did Kagome. The more the demon, Chokyukai, described his ancestors the more the two of us understood. Chokyukai was impressed by Kagome's knowledge of his ancestry, so he decided to make Kagome his bride. I visibly gagged before blurting out, "you really are a pig in all sense of the term." He then pulled a golden crown from his kimono and released it before announcing once again he was a boar, not a pig. The crown flew at Kagome but InuYasha pushed her out of the way, causing it to land on his head instead. If I wasn't so creeped out by InuYasha's behavior, I would've found it funny. Miroku and Sango tackled InuYasha to the ground and I went to go stand in front of Kagome. After getting it off, Miroku had the idea to take pointers from the demon, causing Sango to scold him and throw the crown his way. They then removed it from Miroku's head, prompting InuYasha to come over to me and Kagome. Even between the two of us, we couldn't keep the crown off of her. InuYasha and I were still guarding Kagome, but the pig used some kind of wind attack to get her away from us. He then sent his two companions to attack, all it took was a growl from InuYasha for them to run away. That's when Chokyukai challenged InuYasha and actually managed to knock him to the ground. Sango threw her weapon causing the demon to jump back and escape in a torrent of dust. InuYasha plunged Tetsusaiga into the ground and I watched him until he started mumbling about what might be going on. "Uh, InuYasha, I don't want to know what's going on in that head of yours but it's not hopeless," I tried to reassure him. Just then Miroku informed us he had a plan, but when he explained what Shippo and I were going to do, I wanted to kill him.

"This is so stupid," I muttered. "We don't have many options, besides it's not like you'll be in any real danger," InuYasha stated. "That's not what I'm worried about but thanks," I growled as I put on my disguise. When we were getting in positions, I asked InuYasha to hang onto my weapons and he reluctantly agreed. Soon, Shippo and I were in position and our distraction was going quite well. That is until Shippo's transformation gave out and left us vulnerable. InuYasha took the crown off Kagome's head and threw me my weapons. I took off towards the main room of Chokyukai's palace to free the girls he had already taken. It didn't take me long to get the crowns off of them and before long we were leading the girls back home.

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