Chapter 78: The Final Hurrah of a Heartbroken Man

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When Tsukiyomi fully formed, I was quite surprised by the amount of spiritual power surrounding her spirit. Especially, after she disarmed Hoshiyomi by pure force of will, leaving the Naginata floating in midair. What had me confused was her story about what had really happened between her and Hoshiyomi. She had sealed him away to dispose of the blade and save him from being possessed by it. As she explained, sadness began to fill their expressions, telling me for sure that the two had fallen for each other. After Tsukiyomi's explanation, Hoshiyomi took back possession of the blade and attacked her with it. Tsukiyomi disappeared and Kagome began falling to the ground. InuYasha jumped into the air and caught her, before checking to make sure she was okay. Kagome had InuYasha put her down and she began lecturing Hoshiyomi about what Tsukiyomi had said. As she did, my sword began to shake and pulse, causing me to look at InuYasha, who was getting the same effect from his sword. Just as Hoshiyomi went to attack Kagome, InuYasha blocked the Naginata of Kenkon with a fully transformed Tetsusaiga. I watched as the two blades clashed in battle and was surprised when Hoshiyomi cut straight through the wind scar. What I hadn't noticed was the arrow that Kagome had fired, her spiritual powers were a lot weaker than normal. I could hear Shippo and Myoga trying to come up with a plan, but the only idea they had was to steal the blade away from Hoshiyomi. Their plan was absolutely stupid, but there was a chance. InuYasha got thrown backward and Hoshiyomi went to attack Kagome again, only this time I jumped in front of her with my sword drawn. I never felt the impact of his blade, so I looked up to see Akitoki holding onto the bade with all his strength. Akitoki then announced as loud as he could that he was in love with Kagome. A moment later the three of us were sent flying, I did a maneuver in mid-air to keep from landing on Kagome. Unfortunately, Akitoki didn't have that kind of ability, so he and Kagome crashed down together. I stood in front of the two humans in a defensive stance until I felt a large amount of spiritual power suddenly appear. I ducked down and watched as Kagome's arrow struck the Naginata, causing me to turn towards Kagome. InuYasha had joined her, so I knew it was time to get the hell out of their way. I stood up and ran to join the rest of the group. Hoshiyomi began forming a large red sphere of demonic energy above his head and sent it barreling towards InuYasha and Kagome. InuYasha used his Backlash Wave at the same time Kagome released a sacred arrow. Both attacks plus the sphere of demonic energy hit Hoshiyomi head-on, causing him to disintegrate. I couldn't help but stare in awe at what I had just seen. They're combined power was so much stronger than anything I had ever witnessed.

Not too long after the battle with Hoshiyomi, the sun began to rise. We made a grave for Tsukiyomi and Hoshiyomi near the edge of Shoun Falls, hoping to put their spirits to rest. Akitoki left shortly after that and we said our good-byes. We were looking at the grave when InuYasha spoke, "he was me." I understood what he was talking about before he began to explain the others. I, too, had been taken over by my demon half with absolutely no control over what I did. InuYasha had been there the last couple of times I went demon; so, he had done for me what Kagome had done for him. The conversation was pleasant and heartwarming until Shippo brought up the fact that Kagome used the 'Sit' command the first time InuYasha had turned demon. Soon, the entire group was in a mass argument about their very apparent flaws. I couldn't help but laugh a little bit at the sight. Myoga had joined me away from the argument shortly after it began. "I see you are in high spirits," Myoga stated. "Yeah, even though the others are fighting I'm happy to be here with them," I wasn't entirely thinking about what was coming out of my mouth until I said it. "Myoga, never tell InuYasha what I just said." "Why? Master InuYasha would be pleased to hear you say that," Myoga informed me. "I doubt it. I've done a lot of bad things and he only allowed me to travel with his group to keep an eye on me," I argued. "You would be surprised." "Myoga, do you know something I don't?" I questioned. The old flea was about to say something but stopped when InuYasha approached. "Come on, quit daydreaming and let's go," he commanded. I just nodded and stood up, not wanting to get in an argument, as well. This is going to be a long day.

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