Chapter 93: The Fight

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After the occurrences of the past few days, we decided to return to Lady Kaede's village for some rest. When we arrived at the village, it was late evening and Lady Kaede was nowhere in sight. InuYasha and I decided to go look for her and make sure she was alright. When we found Lady Kaede she was at Lady Kikyo's grave. "Good evening, Lady Kaede," I greeted. "Good evening," she replied. That was when InuYasha began to explain what had been going on and that Lady Kikyo was still alive because Kagome had saved her. Lady Kaede wasn't surprised that her sister was still in this world, but she did seem relieved. She informed us that she saw beings that she believed were shikigami at Lady Kikyo's grave collecting soil from it. We talked for a little longer before deciding to head back down the shrine steps. It was dark when we returned to Lady Kaede's hut and when we got there we noticed everyone was gone. InuYasha and I left Lady Kaede at her hut while went to go look for the others, when we found them Kagome wasn't with them. "Hey, guys, where's Kagome?" I asked. They were hesitant at first and I knew why; Kagome had gone home with telling InuYasha. We stopped near the fence of one of the many garden plots and talked. "Why did you let Kagome go back?" InuYasha questioned. "We don't have to ask your permission for everything, do we?" Sango replied. "Here's the thing InuYasha, you were telling Kaede about Kikyo earlier. Have you forgotten?" Miroku asked. "Yeah, so what?" InuYasha questioned while crossing his legs. "Well, Kagome couldn't exactly interrupt you," Miroku stated. "She was only trying to be considerate of you," Sango added. "She's right, InuYasha," I told him. "Come on, it's not like I was telling her anything I didn't want overheard," InuYasha retorted. Sango growled frustratedly, "you are so irritating. Sit boy!" InuYasha flinched and I fell off the fence railing. Sango continued, "Huh, no good, I guess it only works when Kagome says it." InuYasha gave a nervous laugh, "you only figured that out now stupid." Honestly, I think all of us were thinking the same thing, I kind of wished it had worked. As I sat up, I caught a familiar scent, "guys, I'll be back in a minute." With that, I took off towards the forest.

Running off on my own was probably really dumb in the current situation, but I'd rather not have to explain why there is a half-fox demon wandering around the forest at night. When I caught up to him he was sitting under the Sacred Tree, facing the trunk. "Kaya, this is the place, isn't it? Where you disappeared, I mean," Ryu stated. "Sort of. Ryu what are you doing here? Naraku is still on the loose and—" I trailed off not wanting to finish that thought. "And what? You always put yourself in danger by fighting him or one of his incarnations. What's the difference?" Ryu replied, angrily. "The difference is that I am a half priestess and I have been fighting demons most of my life," I argued. "So? Countless times you've returned to me half dead and for what? Naraku is still on the loose, the Jewel of Four Souls is still shattered, and you are still trying to make up with someone who probably still hates you!" "I return to let you know I'm alive and at least I don't purposely put myself in danger!" We were both angry, but what I said next never should have slipped out. "At least I didn't lie to someone I supposedly cared about for months and then expected everything to go back to normal." "What are you talking about?" Ryu questioned. "I told you everything about working with Naraku, and about the Sacred Jewel. Hell, I even told you about InuYasha and his friends and when I started working with them. Yet you didn't tell me about being betrothed to another woman, even after we kissed. It took Chiyoko picking a fight with me for you to tell me about it," I stated with tears falling down my face. Ryu came forward with a saddened expression, "I didn't tell you because I wanted out of it." "So, that's a promise, that you aren't supposed to break, Ryu. If you had told me when we returned, I don't think either of us would feel the way we do." Tears were streaming down my face now. "Kaya, please just—" Ryu started but I cut him off. "Just, go home!" I yelled before running off in the opposite direction.

I ran until I reached the well and sat down in front of it with my knees pulled to my chest. My face was buried in them until I heard InuYasha call my name. I stood up and tried to wipe the tears away, but he found me before I could. He ran up to me, "Kaya, what happened? Are you okay?" I didn't say anything, I just pulled him to me and buried my face in his chest. He held me protectively like he had when I was young and let me cry into his chest; a moment we hadn't shared in a very long time. When my tears finally stopped, I couldn't find the words to tell him what was going on. "Are you okay, now?" He asked, kindly. "Yeah, I think so," I stated, shakily. I could tell he wasn't convinced, but he didn't pry. A moment later, we began walking towards the village. When we arrived at Lady Kaede's hut, we found that everyone was still awake and were having an interesting conversation. I walked in and sat in the corner, while I listened to the conversation at hand. They were talking about our recent battles and how many things had happened. I laid down and played with my necklace until I heard someone say my name again. "What is it?" I asked as I sat up. "Why did you run off earlier?" InuYasha questioned. "I caught the scent of a friend, so I decided to investigate. They went home, so there's nothing to worry about," I told him. "If that were true why were you crying?" "It doesn't matter. Please, InuYasha, don't ask me about it anymore," I pleaded. "But Kaya—" InuYasha started. I cut him off. "Sit boy!" This one did work, and the others looked at me in awe. I laid back down before anything else happened and made a mental note to apologize to him later. Soon everyone had fallen asleep, everyone except me of course. I was thinking about what had happened with Ryu, and honestly, I felt guilty. I ran out on him, just like I said I'd never do. Before that, I called him a liar and blamed him for what had happened between Chiyoko and me. I could feel tears trying to form, so I sat up hoping I'd be the only one awake; I wasn't, though. Sometime during my thoughts, InuYasha had sat down next to me with his back against the wall. "I'm sorry, about earlier. I didn't think it would actually work," I whispered. He didn't say anything, he just stared ahead for a moment, "you don't have to apologize." Now I was confused. This was the same guy who just the other day ignored me until I apologized for hitting him in my sleep. Now he was fine with me telling him to 'sit'? "I shouldn't have pushed you, like that. I could tell you were upset." Okay, now I'm sure I'm dreaming. "Are you okay, InuYasha?" I asked, quietly. He nodded in response. I leaned against the wall next to him and stared at the other wall just before letting sleep take me.

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