Chapter 57: The Mysterious Female Demon and the Band of Seven

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Myoga left shortly after I found InuYasha and his friends. That was over a week ago. I had decided to travel the mountains to see if it would get me close to this Mt. Hakurei. Unfortunately, I wasn't having much luck. That is until I heard a loud rumble echo through the canyon I was traveling through. It sounded like distant thunder but the sky above me was clear for miles. I turned around and started running back the direction I had come, towards the source of the sound, when out of nowhere a large boulder fell down the canyon wall. I jumped out the way just before it could crush me. That's when I heard a woman's laugh, "you're faster than the last time we fought." "Come out and I'll show you just how fast I am!" I yelled as I drew Tenkari from its sheath. The demon appeared in front of me and I charged. "You are predictable," The demon stated casually before disappearing again. I'm not falling for her tricks twice. I jumped, landing several feet away. The demon materialized where I had once stood. "Naraku was right, you are smart. Unfortunately, that won't help you." "You are working for Naraku then?" She lunged at me but I blocked her attack with my sword. This went on for several minutes before she jumped to a cliff above me. Before I could even move, I felt a sharp pain tear through my right arm. I looked up and growled before going after her. She tried to hit me again but I blocked the attack; this caused her to keep moving up the cliffs. I wasn't fast enough to catch her and she smirked down at me. "Naraku sends his regards!" She yelled before sending another attack my way. I blocked it but not before being knocked off balance, which sent me over the edge of the cliff I had been standing on. When I started to fall, I dropped my sword to catch myself. I didn't feel like falling 40 feet into the canyon below. It was hard for me to get back on top of the cliff with only one arm. By the time I was back up, the demon was gone. I picked up Tenkari and placed it back in its sheath before making my way down the cliffs.

Upon hitting solid ground, I took off running again. I had to find where that loud boom had originated from. The scent of human blood had hit my senses halfway down the canyon, so I knew something was wrong. When I reached the area, though, I found there was a lingering scent of poison. It had overpowered every other scent in that area. I had to stop for a moment to figure out where to go next. Plus, I had to patch my wound which I had almost forgotten about. When I had picked a direction and was about to leave, my ears perked up at the sound of a distant child's voice. I decided to follow it. As I got closer to the voice, I realized it was Shippo calling for InuYasha. Fear started to rise inside me, causing me to run faster. It took me a long time to catch InuYasha's scent, I guess the poison scent was lingering still. When I caught up to the group InuYasha, Shippo and Kirara were standing over Kagome, Sango, and Miroku who were lying on the ground, unconscious. I ran over scaring poor Shippo half to death. "Kaya, where did you come from?" "I followed your voice. Shippo, what happened?" I questioned. "The poison master of the Band of Seven kidnapped Kagome. Sango and Miroku tried to rescue her and got poisoned too." Shippo explained. "That explains the poisoned valley. Who are the Band of Seven?" I asked. "They're mercenaries. Kaya, can you help us get Kagome, Sango, and Miroku somewhere safe?" InuYasha asked. Things must be really bad if InuYasha is asking for my help. I nodded, just before I heard a distant crash. "We need to move now, I saw a cave not far from here. That should be okay for now," I told them before helping InuYasha place Sango and Miroku on Kirara's back. InuYasha then picked up Kagome to carry her, while Shippo and I grabbed their weapons. We ran off in the direction I had come from, towards the forest.

As we were walking, I heard the crash again. Just as I did, InuYasha stopped. Shippo asked what was wrong, but got no reply. Moments later, three flying disks came from the other side of the river, causing InuYasha to order us to get down. The disks flew overhead and we took off running. InuYasha mentioned that their tricks wouldn't work in the forest just before a loud boom was heard. We stopped and looked up, only to watch as a bunch of tiny missiles were released; setting the forest around us ablaze. Before we reached the cave, this happened a couple more times. Once we had gotten to the cave, we laid Kagome, Miroku, and Sango on the ground. InuYasha instructed Shippo and me to stay in the cave with the others. I wish he had let me go with him, but I know why he didn't. Shippo and I were a last line of defense between those specters and his friends. I just hope he doesn't do something stupid.

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