Chapter 14: The Silver Haired Half-Demon and the Village Priestess

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I ran out the door and down the steps and didn't stop running until I was at the old tree. It was true the Priestess and the Jewel were both here in this village. I slumped down against the Tree to catch my breath, that's when I heard footsteps dangerously close and took off running again. The footsteps didn't seem to follow, so I stopped in a clearing in the forest and sat under a tree. While using my necklace to transform into my usual self, a demon appeared in the middle of the clearing. The demon wasn't particularly large, but its aura was quite powerful. It noticed me almost instantly and began to come after me. Drawing my bow, I fired an arrow its way but missed. Uh oh. I put my bow away and drew my sword, slicing when the demon got near. Hearing the demon yelp, I kept swinging until there was silence. The blade began to glow a pale green once the demon was dead. I realized it was absorbing the remaining power from the demon. Once the glow died, I re-sheathed the sword and sat back down under the tree, falling asleep almost immediately.

I woke up to feeling cloth on my face. Opening my eyes, I realized I wasn't in the same place I had been when I feel asleep. I sat up and looked around. I was under the sacred tree but why? That's when my eyes met with the golden eyes of a demon. While I scooted away from the demon, I felt something fall away from me. I looked down and noticed red fabric covering my legs, so I glanced at the demon again. He had long, silver hair and dog ears, he was staring at me with recognition in his eyes; but why? "InuYasha?" I asked. "Yeah kid, it's me. What are you doing here?" he questioned. "I'm looking for a Priestess that I'm told has immense spiritual power, plus I wanted to see if the rumors were true about the Sacred Jewel." I replied. "Oh, so you were the one causing trouble last night." he stated casually. I looked down, slightly ashamed. "Why were you looking for the jewel?" he asked. "I'm more interested in the Priestess who guards it than anything. The jewel was a secondary thought. Why are you looking for the jewel, InuYasha?" I inquired. He didn't seem to have an answer, because he looked away from me. I could tell there was something bugging him, but I couldn't quite figure out what. That is until I felt the spiritual power of a Priestess draw near.

InuYasha stood up, put his kimono top back on and watched the wood directly in front of the Tree, closely. "What is it?" I asked. No reply. By this time, the Priestess had drawn very close. "Hello, Kikyo." InuYasha greeted the Priestess. "Good morning, InuYasha." The Priestess, Kikyo, returned looking into InuYasha's eyes kindly. I just stood there, utterly confused. "You're the girl from last night at the shrine." Kikyo stated. She looked down at me. "Who are you and why are you here?" Her gaze made me wish I had gotten shot with her arrow last night, it would have been less painful. "I-I- "I stuttered out. "Her name is Kaya. She said she was looking for you." InuYasha answered in my place. Kikyo's gaze softened slightly before she spoke. "Why was she looking for me?" "I wanted to know if you would help me train with my spiritual powers." I said barely above a whisper. Kikyo smiled, slightly. "You're a Priestess. I guess that means you are half-demon, as well." I nodded. "If you are not after the Jewel, then I don't see why not." Kikyo stated. "Thank you, Lady Kikyo. I won't let you down." I said, more confidently. After a few moments, we said our good-byes and followed Lady Kikyo back to the village.

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