Chapter 58: The Female Demon's Identity Revealed

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Shortly after InuYasha left, I heard the crash again and instructed Shippo to stay put while I checked it out. I was greeted by something that was more machine than man. Without hesitation, I charged with my sword but got knocked into the wall of rock behind me. I got back up and was about to charge again when he released his spinning disks again. Two of the disks I blocked with my sword, pushing me back, but the others hit the wall of rock causing the cave to shake. That's when Kirara jumped into battle, she dodged the first attack but the weapon came back after her sending her into the rocks above the cave. After she had fallen, the machine released more disks but before I could do anything InuYasha showed up. He asked if everyone was okay, without taking his eyes off the machine. Once Shippo confirmed they were, InuYasha told Kirara to get the others to safety. As she and Shippo ran into the cave, I went to go stand by InuYasha. He then told me to go with the others, I probably should've argued but I didn't. As Kirara and Shippo took to the air, I followed them on foot. Just before I was out of earshot, I learned who this machine was. He was Ginkotsu of the Band of Seven.

I could hear Shippo freaking out from above me, he wasn't very calm under pressure. Kirara then informed Shippo that she had noticed a temple, so he decided that would be a safe place. When we were almost there, I heard something off and looked up. "Kirara, move!" I yelled before jumping into the air, catching a metal chain around my sword. The female demon had reappeared. "Shippo, keep going. I'll catch up," I commanded. Shippo and Kirara nodded before continuing. "Never take your eyes off your opponent!" The demon shouted. She threw her weapon again and I finally saw what it was as I dodged. It looked like a dragon's claw connected to a long chain. "Who are you and why do you keep coming after me?" I asked once she had drawn back her weapon. "My name is Ko," she told me, "and I am here to avenge my mother's death." Great, that's the last thing I need right now. "Fine, but you won't get that far," I stated before charging her. It caught her off guard for a moment, letting me use spiritual winds. It hit her head-on but didn't kill her instead she decided to flee. "We shall meet again, Kaya. For now, you should hurry to your friends or you might not get there in time." With that chilling message, she disappeared once again. Without a moment to lose, I took off towards the temple. Hoping her warning was just a bluff.

When I had gotten to the temple steps, I noticed the scent of death. I ran up the stairs to find a monk conversing with InuYasha about the Band of Seven. "How are they?" I asked as I approached. "They are fine. They're resting for now," The monk answered. I turned to see fresh graves on the side of the temple, that had to have been where the smell is coming from. I walked inside the temple and sat down near the door. Something didn't feel right, but I couldn't figure out why. As InuYasha continued talking with the monk, night fell and the monk sat down in the door frame. Shortly after the sun had set, we heard a boom followed by the sound of splintering wood. InuYasha took off after the sound and I followed because I wasn't going to let him fight Ginkotsu alone again. When we reached the top of the steps, Ginkotsu attacked. InuYasha charged him but got caught up in metal threads, I went to jump in but he growled for me to stay put just before breaking free and hacking off Ginkotsu's arm with Tetsusaiga. Before InuYasha had turned around, we both began to smell smoke coming from the temple. That's when the monk came through the temple entrance and explained he was Renkotsu of the Band of Seven. I went to run past him but had to jump back at the last moment to avoid getting hit. Ko had returned. Ginkotsu flung a chained axe catching Tetsusaiga, causing Renkotsu and Ko to attack us. InuYasha's battle was two to one and he was faring better than my one on one battle. My battle with Ko had forced me further from the temple with each attack. I had seen the glow from InuYasha's wind scar so I knew he had won already. I needed to end this quickly, so I could go help the others. Having watched Ko's moves enough, I made a move she hadn't expected. While sheathing my sword, I jumped into the air and drew my bow. Just before I touched down, I released my arrow striking her in the chest. She did disintegrate, but not in a way I was expecting. There on the ground was a burned doll, like from a demon puppet. Things were getting worse by the second.

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