Chapter 63: Battle on Hijiri Island

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It has been several days since our battle with the Band of Seven. We've been traveling around trying to find the same scent of water and flowers that Naraku's demon puppet gave off. So far, no luck. It wasn't until we came to a village near the base of the mountain, that we learned of a sacred island not far offshore from the village. According to the acting headman of the village, a young boy named Shintaro, the island is home to a monk named Hakushin who became a living Buddha and made the island sacred ground. Shintaro informed us that his father had gone to the island two weeks prior because a strange light had descended on the island. Our group concluded that it must have been Naraku that caused the strange light. When we left the village to head to the island, we brought Shintaro with us as a guide. The eight of us barely fit on the fishing boat we 'borrowed' from the villagers. As we crossed the lake, I could already tell the scent of the water smelled similar to that of Naraku's demon puppet. Just before we reached the island, Shintaro tried to warn us of sharp rocks surrounding the island but the warning came too late and the boat began to sink. Once we reached the shore, InuYasha confirmed my thoughts about the water and flowers. I had the feeling we had walked right into Naraku's trap. A moment later, my suspicions were validated as a blast like attack come from inside the shrine that was housed on the island. Bankotsu emerged and Kagome informed InuYasha that Bankotsu's halberd had Sacred Jewel Shards embedded in it. Just after that, the battle began.

As InuYasha and Bankotsu fought, it seemed like Bankotsu might overpower him due to the sacred barrier surrounding the island. Especially since the wind scar didn't work on the island. This caused Shintaro to run for the shrine in hopes of helping InuYasha. Kagome followed after him and I chased after Kagome. A thought occurred to me as I ran, if Hakushin was the one who had placed the barrier why didn't it feel as strong as it did at the base of Mt. Hakurei? I got my answer when we entered the shrine to find Hakushin's body missing. Miroku had entered after us, so I took off to try and assist InuYasha. Not too far away, I watched as Sango threw Hiraikotsu just before Bankotsu could strike InuYasha causing the flowers on the ground to create a barrier of protection for a moment. When another close call came, I fired a sacred arrow getting the same effect. This continued until I felt the barrier drop and InuYasha was able to produce a wind scar. Their battle waged on for a little while longer, their swords clashing time and time again. For Bankotsu it seemed this wasn't exciting enough for him and he leaped into the air with his weapon raised. A thunderstorm began to form overhead, and lightning crashed down in random locations across the island. We all got blown to the ground as the lightning crashed to the ground. Somehow I ended up being the closest to InuYasha and noticed as he coughed. A moment later I caught the scent of fresh blood and stood up. InuYasha had started trying to move in Kagome's direction but collapsed. Bankotsu went and stood in front of InuYasha and raised his weapon. I leaped into action catching Bankotsu's blade with Tenkari. That's when I noticed Tetsusaiga crossed with my sword and Bankotsu's halberd. Our blades clashed in combat almost too quickly for me to keep up. InuYasha had determination on his face and in his voice, catching Bankotsu slightly by surprise. I caught the scent of InuYasha's wind scar and knew what he was about to do. We raised our swords at the same time releasing similar attacks, but Bankotsu blocked them both. We advanced again, but the vajra that had created the barrier around the island, was now glowing and had attached itself to InuYasha's sword. The three of us stared at it in confusion for a moment before realizing what was happening. Saint Hakushin was helping Naraku somehow. Once the light died, Tetsusaiga was no longer transformed giving Bankotsu a slight advantage. That is until InuYasha and I watched as a light strike Bankotsu's sword arm, stopping his attack. Kagome had saved us. The vajra began glowing again and Bankotsu started to disappear. InuYasha charged before I could stop him. He got his arm caught in a sacred barrier, so I couldn't use a spiritual arrow to dissipate the barrier because it might shatter the barrier or purify InuYasha. One outcome was good, the other not so much. Soon, Bankotsu had disappeared completely, leaving the rest of us on Hijiri Island. Kagome rushed to InuYasha to check on him, I joined them a moment later. We left Hijiri Island soon after that and headed back to the mainland. After reaching the mainland, we gave Shintaro's father a proper burial and left the village shortly after to head back to the base of Mt. Hakurei.

When we reached the base of the mountain Miroku confirmed my suspicions about Naraku. Naraku was clever, I, unfortunately, had to give him that, because if he was hiding behind that sacred barrier, Koga, Sesshomaru, InuYasha and I couldn't pass it. Giving him the upper hand in the situation. Miroku and Sango volunteered to explore the mountain on their own, promising they'd keep out of unnecessary danger. I could tell InuYasha wasn't thrilled about the idea, but he also knew we didn't have much of a choice. We sat in place for quite a while, before InuYasha started to get annoyed. He started shaking his leg, annoying Kagome. At least it wasn't me, this time. That's when Shippo started a conversation about how he was worried about Sango and Miroku. I didn't hear much of the conversation because I picked up a familiar scent; Ko was nearby. I stood up and informed Kagome and InuYasha I was going to go check on something before taking off in the direction of her scent. 

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