Chapter 67: Naraku is Reborn

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I started taking in the surroundings of the pit, everything looked like the texture you would find inside the belly of a beast. It caused me to shutter and look down which was a huge mistake. I'm normally not one with a fear of heights, but since all I could see was darkness I had a slight tinge of fear causing me to dig my claws further into the tentacles. Just before they stopped moving, I heard Kagome's voice as clear as day calling out to InuYasha. When the tentacles did stop, I began climbing up towards their scents. That's when Naraku's demonic aura truly hit me almost causing to lose my grip. I began climbing faster until InuYasha, Kagome, and Shippo came into view. Once Kagome released an arrow I leaped up to InuYasha, "need a hand?" I used my claws to start digging at his tentacles from the outside as Naraku gave his victory speech. He had held Kagome and the others to the wall by this time so I was working against a clock. When he took Bankotsu's shards, Naraku sent a smaller tentacle after InuYasha and I tried to slash it away but lost my grip momentarily, so I couldn't stop the second. I watched in horror as the Jewel Shards merged into one emitting a truly evil dark light. That's when I felt something liquid hit my leg and I glanced down to see acid slowly dripping from between the tentacles, meaning InuYasha was trying to dig himself out. Then, Naraku began to take on his new form. It was much more hideous than his first, but that's not what scared me. As he was forming his new body, his aura had begun growing stronger. Miroku sensed it too because he warned InuYasha, causing me to continue slashing at the tentacle. A moment later, InuYasha burst out from the tentacles sending me flying. I used the debris to keep myself from falling into the pit and landed on solid ground. InuYasha lunged at Naraku with only his claws but was deflected by a barrier. He then called forth Tetsusaiga and lunged again unleashing a wind scar. Naraku deflected it and it began to bounce around the chamber. The first few narrowly missed InuYasha's friends and another I had to block with my sword. We wouldn't last much longer if this wind kept swirling around. As if on cue, InuYasha leaped into the air with Kagome on his back, Kagome aimed with her bow and fired a spiritual arrow more powerful than I had ever seen before. The arrow struck the swirling demonic winds and purified them before striking the bottom of Naraku's barrier; the surprise was still written on his face. Where the arrow had struck, a brown orb fell through the barrier and I saw the faint outline of a person. It seems Koga had gotten himself captured, too. InuYasha and Kagome went down after the falling orb and Naraku began ascending. He lifted his hand and the chamber began rumbling and falling apart. A piece of flesh next to me burst, releasing his toxic miasma. Well, looks like the only way out is down. With that thought, I jumped into the darkness.

There was a lot of debris falling so I used it to get down easier, helping me catch up to InuYasha. I watched as Koga fell further into the abyss and InuYasha spoke causing me to look up. He told Shippo to take Kagome and get out there along with Sango and Miroku. Kagome protested for a moment, but he persisted, and she finally agreed. Once Kagome was securely on Shippo, InuYasha jumped into the abyss and I followed, listening as Kagome called after us to come back. We jumped down through the mountain using the debris to aid in our descent. As we fell, I watched as InuYasha began to cover his mouth and nose because the miasma had gotten worse and it was affecting him somewhat. I wasn't feeling anything, though. I guess that's the only good thing that came out of working for Naraku, a slight immunity to his miasma. We watched as some of the debris splashed into a poisonous pool below and began looking for Koga. InuYasha and I spotted him at the same time causing InuYasha to jump and slash at Koga's orb with his claws. We touched down a piece of dissolving debris and picked Koga up. I had one of arms over my shoulders while InuYasha had the other. As we ascended through the mountain, Koga woke up with a cough. I had never seen him that weak before. The two boys immediately began bickering and I sighed with annoyance. When InuYasha asked where the exit was out loud they began arguing again. "Not the time, boys. Just look for some light and that should be the way the others got out," I commanded. InuYasha gave a slight nod in response before pointing out a light directly above us. For a moment he stood there in a daze and I became worried. "InuYasha?" He didn't respond and leaped into the air again. We emerged from the mountain and InuYasha's expression changed again, but then he called out Kagome's name. Koga's head popped up and we all three head a crack like breaking rocks, causing us to look over our shoulders. Koga sprung into action and kicked off the rock dragging InuYasha and me through the air. He dropped us when we hit solid ground and immediately went to go flirt with Kagome. That lousy ---, as I thought that InuYasha hit Koga on top of the head and they began bickering again. After the two had calmed down, InuYasha took his robe from Kagome and took off. "InuYasha, wait for me!" I called as I ran after him. I didn't know where he was going, but I intended to find out.

When I caught up to InuYasha he was yelling at Sesshomaru, I didn't even he know was here. He mentioned something about a woman and I looked down near InuYasha's feet. Lady Kikyo's bow lay broken on the ground near the edge of the cliff. Naraku had killed Lady Kikyo, again and I wasn't here to stop him. I sat on the ground, with tears falling down my cheeks, rubbing the bow with my thumb. I'm sorry, Lady Kikyo. I'm so sorry.

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