Chapter 62: InuYasha v. Bankotsu

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We decided to travel to the base of Mt. Hakurei. As we got closer, I started to feel the effects of the mountain's barrier. It seems I wasn't as prepared for it as I thought I was. I did find it funny though that Miroku, being a human, still felt the effects of the barrier but Kagome and Sango didn't. Pure of heart, yeah right. InuYasha was probably feeling the effects of the barrier, as well. Shippo and Kirara were, for sure. After discussing our next move, we left and everyone started feeling better. We reached a village at the base of the mountain and ran into the old man Lady Kikyo had been bandaging. He told us we needed to leave before we were caught by the guards of the castle. The castle had been threatened by the Band of Seven. As we were talking with the old man, a general came up to us asking who we were. Miroku explained we were harmless travelers but it seems the general didn't believe us. He called us out on traveling with demons, causing me to growl and InuYasha to start his normal thing. The general swung his pike and InuYasha dodged, it missed him but barely. The general ordered us to leave once again before he turned back toward his men and road away on his horse. Once the general was out of sight, the old man asked us if we knew of the Band of Seven and informed us that the general was the one who had executed the group of mercenaries 15 years prior. Not long after the general had left, we heard an explosion come from the direction of the castle. We thanked the old man for his information before taking off towards the castle. When we got close, InuYasha and I caught the scent of human blood and a lot of it too. Kagome also informed us that she could sense the presence of the Sacred Jewel. InuYasha passed Kagome to Kirara and took off. I ran after him leaving the others in the dust. Once we reached the castle, we found Koga fighting another member of the Band of Seven. InuYasha jumped into the fight just in time to keep Koga from getting sliced in half. After InuYasha landed on the ground, he and Koga began arguing immediately. "Guys, not the time." I chided them. They ignored me, and I facepalmed. A moment later the rest of the group showed up. The 'new' member introduced himself as Bankotsu, the leader of Band of Seven. A moment later, Bankotsu attacked, causing Renkotsu to have Ginkotsu fire on the Kagome, Miroku, Sango, and Shippo. The blast missed them, barely. When I heard Kagome tell Miroku that Renkotsu is the one who stole her shards, I ran to stop him but was stopped short by a dragon's claw. Ko had returned to keep me from helping InuYasha and his friends.

The battle waged for a little while, I kept glancing at InuYasha and the others. InuYasha and Bankotsu were an even match as long as Bankotsu had the Jewel Shards. InuYasha's human companions were faring well, which was good. I was too which was surprising. Soon, Naraku's saimyosho appeared, instructing the Band of Seven to wrap things up and leave. Bankotsu took that as his chance at victory, which didn't work. Ko also took that as a chance to attack while I was distracted, but I wasn't as stupid as she thought I was. I jumped, dodging her attack and sending my spiritual winds attack her way. It took her by surprise and hit her head on, but didn't destroy her as I had hoped. Instead, she flipped her weapon in her hand and it changed into a demonic sword before I could even blink. Our swords clashed several times before I realized she had pushed me to where I was standing behind Bankotsu and InuYasha's battle. This would've been fine except InuYasha decided to use his wind scar against Bankotsu and I was right in its path. I dodged in the nick of time, causing Ko to frown and attack again. After that, the Band of Seven retreated, leaving InuYasha and his friends, Koga, me and Ko in the castle grounds. I tried my spiritual winds attack again but this time Ko dodged it. I heard InuYasha yell Naraku's name in surprise, causing me to turn around. It was one of Naraku's demon puppets for sure, but it seemed less demonic and evil than before. My distraction gave Ko the perfect opportunity to slash me across the back with her sword. I growled in pain and attacked Ko as InuYasha's group attacked the demon puppet. Ko pulled a move I should've thought of first, she swiped my feet out from underneath me and then knocked my sword from my hand. When I fell to the ground, she placed her foot on my chest and placed her blade at my throat ready to end me, but the saimyosho appeared again. The insects had other plans for her. She settled for slashing me across the face before vanishing. I ran to grab my sword and join the others at what used to be Naraku's demon puppet. When I approached, I caught the scent of flowers. "Is that sweet smell coming from the demon puppet?" I asked. "Yeah, it is," InuYasha confirmed. That meant we had a new lead. If we find the flowers, we hopefully find Naraku. 

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