Chapter 95: Imprisoned, Part Two

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I stayed at the Village of Half-Demons for about three days. Even after the three days, I really didn't want to leave but I knew I had to see this through. InuYasha told me they were going to head east this time, so that's the direction I was headed in. At least that's what I was doing until I ran into Kagura. "What are you doing here?" I growled at her. "Hakudoshi sent me after you. You'll need to ask him," She told me. "I'm not going quietly," I stated while putting my hand on my sword. "I knew you would say that." Kagura lifted her fan and opened it before releasing her dance of blades. I blocked the attack with Tenkari before releasing spiritual winds in her direction. She then blocked my attack with her Dance of Blades. This went on for a while and I could tell she was getting irritated. Finally, she released her Dance of the Dragon, and I tried to block it, but the attack began to crack Tenkari so in one motion I tried to dodge out of the way but failed. The attack surrounded me in several funnels of air. I fought it as long as I could, but after a little bit I gave up and the attack stopped. I tried to crawl away once it had but didn't get very far because Kagura used her feather to pick both of us up to carry us to Hakudoshi.

As we flew, I began looking around to see if I could find any landmarks for when I escape. Unfortunately, there was nothing but similar-looking trees and open land. After a short flight, we arrived at an abandoned mountain temple on the outskirts of a forest, and Kagura landed her feather. I sniffed the air in the temple, Naraku himself was lurking somewhere in the darkness. "It's been a long time, Kaya," Naraku said from my left. "Why did you send Kagura after me? You know I'm no use to you," I questioned. "Oh, but you are. InuYasha will come running after you once he finds out we have you," Hakudoshi stated. "So, you want to use me as bait, is that it? Well, too bad. I'm not going through with it, willingly or otherwise," I informed him. I had put my hand on my sword knowing I would have to fight my way out to warn InuYasha and the others of the potential trap. Naraku spoke, "we will see." A moment later, a chain came out of the darkness and I caught it with my sword. Kohaku emerged from the shadows, weapon at the ready. "I won't fight him. I don't kill humans, especially not this one," I growled. "Then you will die here," Hakudoshi stated before giving Kohaku orders to attack. Young or not, he was very skilled and potentially deadly. I could tell he wasn't fighting as hard as before, just like when he was fighting Sango when Hakudoshi released the demon rats. Something told me he remembered his past now, but he was trying to play dumb until he could find Naraku's weakness. Regardless, he knew how to take me down fairly quickly; thanks to Kagura that is. He threw his chain, wrapped it around my legs, and pulled me to the ground with very little effort. My head hit the floor and darkness consumed me.

Being dead was probably a better alternative to this. I was going to be used to lure InuYasha and his friends into a trap and there was nothing I could do but struggle against my bonds. This time he not only had Kohaku watching me, but he also had Kagura on guard duty, as well. There was a bigger reason for me being here, and I think I knew why. Normally, when I'm this close to the Sacred Jewel, I can sense its aura, but now I couldn't. He needed me to hide the presence of the Jewel so Kagome couldn't tell he was there. I started struggling, even more, trying to do everything I could to break my bonds, but I wasn't strong enough. Soon, though Kagura left on her own accord, and I could still hear Naraku and Hakudoshi talking about something. I'm not entirely sure why I was here because, sure, I can hide the Sacred Jewel, but Naraku's scent alone was enough to draw InuYasha anywhere. Naraku had more planned than he was letting on and it bothered me that I couldn't figure it out. When I was watching from an inside perspective, I had been able to figure out his plans but now I couldn't. I think it's because my mind is more focused on an escape plan. If I was able to escape I could not only warn InuYasha, but I could also take the Jewel to Kagome and she could purify it. Naraku is only as powerful as he is because of his possession of the Sacred Jewel; without it, we could defeat him. "So, you are still trying to figure out our plan," Hakudoshi stated. "I think I already have it figured out, I'm just biding my time," I retorted. "Biding your time for what, Kaya? You're not going to go anywhere until the time is right," Naraku chimed in. I growled in defiance and finally put the last piece of the puzzle into place. "You're going to kill InuYasha and his friends by using me as bait to lure them in so you can steal the last Shard and make sure it's as tainted as yours. Your plan won't work, you know, they aren't that stupid. If you use me as bait, they will think something is up and avoid the situation," I explained. I wasn't sure what I had just said was anywhere close to what would happen, but I was hoping if Naraku thought his plan wouldn't work he would slip up somehow and I would be able to escape and steal the Jewel. Unfortunately, I didn't account for Hakudoshi, who used his naginata to stab me through my right shoulder. I growled again, "Go to hell." A moment later, Naraku and Hakudoshi moved out of sight and I began pulling more on the chains. I had to get out of here with or without a plan. I thought about the sheath to my sword and touched my hip where the sword normally hung, but Naraku didn't make that mistake again. I guess I was just going to have use brawn to get myself out of this one. In one motion, I jumped up and propelled myself forward off the wall, hoping to pull the chains out. Instead, I was slammed back into the wall with the same strength I had jumped with and slid down the wall. I tried it again, hoping to get a different result, but no, the same thing happened again. When I tried a third time, I felt something in my arm pop, but I still ended up with the same result just with more pain. I guess I'm stubborn this way, but I tried one last time and the only thing different was when I hit the wall, I blacked out.

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