20. Recouping

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Winston's Pov:

I tiredly go out of the room. I see Damian walking back a bit better, but he still looks broken.

"Damian, the Ape king said there's one cub that survived. The pregnancy will be hard on her, though. Kaden thinks if we give her more emralds, it might help so she can keep the cub. So I'm going to the Ape king to ask." I tiredly rub my the bridge of my nose. This headache is getting worse, but I can't sleep knowing Paige is still hurt. I look at Damian he seems concerned.

"Winston, go lay down with Paige. I'll go ask him. I just saw Curtis outside he's having trouble with holding his anger. He beat Parker up. Might want to speak with him. Let him know Paige is okay." I nod to him. I walk outside of the castle. I see Curtis cleaning a boar.

"Curtis. Paige is okay now. Also, she's still pregnant. One cub held on. Let's get you inside. She needs us with her." His back is to me. I hear him hiss. He gets up and turns around, picking up the boar. His eyesbrows knitted. He walks over to me.
Not once looking at me.

"I was scared I'd lose my light. She's my all, and they hurt her. I was scared. Seeing her like that. I was angry she lost the cubs because I didn't fight her to stay at home. If I said no, she'd be home pregnant with all the cubs. Paige would be playing or laughing. What will she be like when she wakes up and knows. Will she be mad at us? Will she want to die again? I can't.. I can't live if she's gone. Also, Harvey.. he's made Paige so happy. If he died, she'd blame herself. I don't know Shuu well, but she likes him. I never liked her having more males but knowing now.. thinking now how she loves us. If one of us is gone. Would she want to end it, too? Before she came here, she tried to die. I now realize our importance to her and her importance to us." Curtis tells me. I grab his shoulder.

"I know Curtis, I'm afraid of that too, but right now, she needs us to be calm for her. We need to be who she can depend on for fixing anything for her. Paige is strong she doesn't even know. We need to be with her when she wakes up. especially when we tell her about the cubs. Shuu is awake. Harvey is still out. Paige has to see us there, and we can't be angry right now. Knowing her, she'd think we're angry at her for losing the cubs." It dawns on Curtis.

"She would.." I turn around to go to the room where Paige is.
I hear Curtis behind me, but I keep walking but give a nod.
"Winston! Thanks.."

Damian's Pov:

I finally find the Ape King. He's making medicine paste. He stops and puts the bowl down.

"Did you come to a decision about the cub?" He asks.
I give a low growl thinking of it.

"Would more emralds help Paige carry the cub without hurting her body?" I ask.

"It couldn't hurt... but she is in bad shape her body just might reject the cub, and stress will hurt the cub and her body. If you decide to keep the cub, it will be hard on her no matter what. The emralds help with only her body, not her mind. I can not guarantee that she will be better with the emralds. With what happened, it will have a huge impact on her and the cub. The decision is a hard one. You should wait for her to wake up. See how she does first. If she can move on well with this incident, she should be fine. If not, then well, it will hurt losing the cub because she can't move on." The Ape King explained. He's right..
Damn that female bitch!

"Okay.. thank you Ape King." I start to head back.

"Damian you can always have your brother mate her. If I recall he's a special type of dragon that can regenerate. Your female would get that special ability. But I heard the Prince scares females."

"I already thought of that. That's why I asked him here, but it's up to Paige. If she will accept him or not." I nod and walk through the stone halls to the room where Paige is at.
I see her laying down still out.

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