26. Old Pervert

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Paiges Pov:

We all sit and eat. Of course, everyone gets eggs, too. After we clean up and I begin to tell everyone once again where I come from and how I got here. Kaden doesn't like what I tell him, but he now can understand why I am the way I am.
My hubby's start to get ready to finish their work, but someone knocks on the door. Winston gets it, and in comes Rosa walking in.

"Geez, that bloom was bad. How's your little kitty, Paige? I feel like I got my ass hole blown out. Like for real pregnancy and pharamones. I can't tell you how much my back is sore. Oh hey, I heard some funny ass shit." I look at her shocked but end up laughing cause the look Winston gives us like someone farted.

"Hey Rosa.. yeah, I'm pretty sore, too.. um, yep.."

"Oh, common, don't be so modest we're all grown here." She tells me.

"Im.. eighteen.."

"Holy shit young.. eh, that's normal here, actually.. so you like older men, eh?" I blush. Rosa's shock at my age was a fleeting moment.

"What's the news?" Now I'm curious.
She grabs some of the leftover bacon and leans back, putting her feet up.

"Well, you didn't hear this shit from me, but you know the what's his face psyco scorpion guy?" She says with a snort of laughter.

"The Zachary guy?" Afraid I start to get up.

"No dork the other psyco. Did you even read it? Okay, I'll summarize it. Psyco old scorpion has a baby psyco scorpion who can't feel but feels with souls, and now is less psyco but hot? Yeah, him. He's been sighted. And I heard so has Bai the intellectually stunted MC. We'll she was carried off by like 5 or 6 or you know what moving on. She was carried off and mated, and someone saw her scorpion mark. She's being taken to the desert. Um, what's it called again, Bart?"

"City of Flames." His tail wags.

"That's right there where she will be the little MC pocket pussy. Anyways how have you been doing? I heard you were attacked. It's okay Paige the males who followed MC pocket pussy left to and I quote save their beautiful pocket pussy. Heh I like that new nick name now. Oh I seen Holly she's been finding some males if you know what I'm saying. Heard the Ape King likes you. You know what take him I have less to prove." I hunch over dying from laughter. Rosa just absolutely kills me. She says what I wish I could. Shuu just talks with Bart and Winston shakes his head going outside. Curtis finds it hilarious like me and Harvey joins in with Shuu and Barts conversation. Kaden and Damian just sit there listening.

"Oh my god Rosa! No.. we are okay were fully healed. But you said psyco scorpion has been spotted? And the Ape King likes me? What?" I look bewildered.

"Hey close your mouth I know he's fine but it's not like he has a dick in front of you yet. Anyways yeah Holly has like six mates now. She got this fine hunk almost as fine as my Bart. But there nothing going on upstairs. He's nice though. But not a single tool in the tool shed. She's just getting over the bloom too. I heard some fuckin disturbing shit at my parents place things I never want to hear again. Gag.." I burst out.

"So Rosa I never got to ask how did you get here?" I ask.

"Ohhh okay that's fair. So I was like in my sixties ready to retire. no family nothing. I sat at my desk like I did eating my breakfast writing a good morning scene for a upcoming hot and spicy movie. Storm strip troopers it was some of my best work. Anyways I took a drink and choked on a ice cube. And then I was here being born. I'm so glad I was in porn movies when I was young. My hubby's couldn't keep up at first. Heh.. you?" I am gobsmacked.

"Um.. abusive family suicide at 18. I was just put here." I tell her.

"Wow.. well, I'm here if you need some advice or anything." No wonder Rosa talks like that...

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