70. Meeting Their Cub

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Paige's Pov:

It's been five days.. they still aren't back. the rain finally let up, thank god. I get my family, Rosa's, and Holly's to go shopping at the market. I hold my very adorable cub. Wrapped in a fur, we head out.
Males, just watch me now. It's weird, and I don't like it.
A few other towns were destroyed during the storm, so a few migrated here. Alec has been super busy from what Rosa's complaining about.

"So yeah, hey.. see that bitch? Yeah she hit on Alec right when she got here I have half a mind to beat the fuck out of that pig! I dont have issues with weight but shes a lazy bitch.. she was screaming at her male last time that he didnt walk fast enough too. Like this bitch is just a horrible person." We laugh. Alva sees his family had moved here too, but all his people got out safe so that's good. You can always rebuild but can't replace people you love.

"Hey! Your the bitch who stole my male I wanted!" The female Rosa pointed at being carried by her mate walks over screaming like a fucking banshee. I scanned her. Hmm, she would be pretty if she took care of herself, mostly the personality part.

"He's been my mate longer than you've been here you fat cunt!" Rosa and her dirty mouth.

"Yeah? I think your lying!"
She shreiks.

"Yeah? Well I think all that fucking fat couldn't fit on your ass so it took residences in your empty head!" Rosa yells back. I laugh histarically.

"I don't even know what that means you ugly cow!" The banshees voice perforated my ears. God this bitch..

"That's because when your mouth is open your fucking ears seal shut you god damn walrus. Why don't you do what your good at and go lay on your back with your legs spread. Leave me the fuck alone you cum stained swamp donkey! I feel sorry for any female stuck with your crotch goblins!" Rosa never ceases to surprise me.. damn where does she learn that.

"Yeah? You! Ugly bitch!" Banshee female has nothing..

"Yeah! You are a ugly bitch at lease we agree with something! Also get away from me you mouth breather I can smell the swimmers from here you skanky cum guzzler." Holly crosses her legs laughing. I think she's about to pee herself. I see Parker pick her up running to the sand box.

"You!" She kicks her feet.

"Yea keep kicking see if your mate doesnt drop your ugly ass like your mother did. Look you made my aunty nauseated! Disgusting!"
Oh my god.. by now we have a crowd. I hide in Damian's arms holding my cub close to me.  Her males growl. Rosa's males just laugh.

"How dare you! You'll regret saying that!" The Banshee yells in a rage.

"Or what? You'll do what exactly? Walk for the first time? Oh no... oh my god! She's going to hurt me! You think I'm fucking scared of you and your mates? My god do us all a favor and lay face down in a puddle. You owe the trees an apology while your at it. For breathing all that precious oxygen that could have gone to better things like misquotes!"
The Banshees males growl roaring threats. Damian growls so does Shuu.
Her twenty males start to ready for a attack when we see Kaden land.

"My hubbys!" The Banshee sees the two headed dragon and pees herself. They run. A few other males run. Some stay on guard growling. I see all our mates running to us. I also see Muir who's hurt. Oh my god! I want to run but I'm carrying our cub so I walk to them. They all hug me. I see a few females following Winston. Winston nods to Alec and runs to me.

"Feather! Our cub!" Muir says hugging me giving me kisses.

"Oh my god I'm so happy your home!"

"My light.. I missed you. Our cub?" Curtis  asks i nod.

"My beautiful females!" Kaden kisses me grabbing Faith holding her.

"I missed you." A very tired Winston hugs me from behind smelling my scent.

"Melody my cub!" Holly cried hugging her daughter. Her daughter hugs Holly and Rosa.

"Paige I told you I'll be back." Lucien walks up. I puff my cheeks looking at him. I pull him close.

"Don't leave like that.." I sob a bit.

"I wont." He kisses my puffed cheek.
I grab Muir.

"Harvey." He nods at me.
We all end up going to our own homes. We didn't go to the market but who care my hubby's are home.
We get in. I sit down pulling Muirs head to my lap. I rub his hair. I touch Winston's cheek.

"They had a mountain collapse on them. Muir saved Winston." Lucien tells me.

"And Lucien and the others dug us out." Winston says.
I run Muirs face. Wait..

"Muir wheres your marks?" I ask.
He smirks.
I look at Winston he still has his. I look at Curtis. He has his.

"I'm a penta stripe now." Muir tells me.

"Wow! Congratulations."

"I'm close.." Curtis says. Winston nods.

"I'm just happy I have stripes at all." Harvey grins. I kiss him.

"By the way. Our cubs on the way. Is Winston's, Curtis and Harvey's." Curtis eyes go wide. His hands close in fists. I grab his hand. He looks up at me.

"Thank you, Paige. I'm so happy." Winston hugs me. I chuckle.
I look at Curtis.

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

"We can't keep our cubs like you can with theirs." He tells me.

"We certainly will with our cub it's a female cub. All three." I tell him. His eyes get wide. He smiles.

"Our cubs." He grins stupidly then hisses.

"What?" I ask.

"Males, I'll kill them if they get near our cubs." I chuckle my other Hubby's growl, too.
Kaden brings over Faith. I prop her in Muir's arms he coos at her. Faith sees his braid and pulls it to her mouth. He just laughs.

"Aww, our little down feather." Muir kisses her head.
I'm so happy I have my family together finally.
Harvey is still cleaning Muir's wounds after he rests still with his head on my lap. With all the excitement, Faith falls asleep in Muir's arms. I lean back in Winston's arms. Then I hear a whisper.

"You're getting ravished tonight, Paige. We had to go days with you playing with our marks." I blush as Winston purrs.

"That's right, Paige. I had to take care of myself in the river." Kaden says gruffly.

"Told you." Shuu remarks.

"Oh? So you all knew?" They nod.

"Hm.. well, then I can't wait until we get to play with our marks tonight, too." I start to feel aroused. Shit..
Muir looks up at me.

"Paige, your scent, my feather."
I blue more. Harvey feeds Muir an emrald.

"It will heal the bones, but you will still be sore. I'll get you a few numbing leaves." Harvey tells him.

"I can't wait, Paige." I laugh nervously.

"Do worry Paige, we will make sure to clean you up after." Caspian says.

"Yes, and I'll give you a full massage too, Paige." Harvey whispers.
Damian picks Faith up, laying her in her bed in the next room. Fuck.
Muir turns over, looking up at me on his knees, rubbing my thighs. Oh my god.


(*^^*) love you all! Thank you for the encouraging comments and votes. I won't be able to post tomorrow due to it being my lazy day to sleep lol. I honestly need sleep I might take two days not sure yet but I've been running nonstop. My son has a few things going on medically. I need a good day of rest. I am even not doing new years to tired to stay up. I am more of a wake up early as shit then sleep when I can, but sleep is really catching up. ( ´∀')/~~
So I will post these today.. lol
I am starting up my other book again aswell so I will be writing on both story's so I need to make a schedule for when I write I'm thinking every other day just so I don't over do myself. Hope all of you understand. <3
Thank you for the amazing support.
I'll update when I figure out my posting schedule. It will start January 1st so I need to figure it out. Have a great day!

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