28. Leaving

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⚠️18+ Smut⚠️

Damian Pov:

I see the thousands of ferals and that female who hurt Paige. She's sitting on one of the males shoulders. Kaden told me what he had seen. As far as I know, everyone is leaving the city south. Paige doesn't know, but Kaden burned our home, so no scent of Paige is left. That way, nothing can track us to where we will go.
We fly north as fast as we can. I think we can make it in three go's. Kaden roars at me. Letting me know that nobody followed us. That's good. After a ways (two days travel on foot), we land to get the females a break.
They all climb down, and I shift. Kaden just stays in his form.

"Oh, thank God, I need to pee so bad that I almost pissed on your mates back." Rosa says, and Paige bursts into laughing that she follows Rosa to relieve herself. 

Paiges Pov:

After going to the bathroom, we find a creek. Curtis leads me. We wash our hands and start heading back. We stop cause we hear something. I grab ahold of Curtis arm. We see a male come out of the bushes. He has his hair in a braid and bright blue eyes.

"I'm not here to fight. I'm alone.. my name is Muir." Oh, Muir. He was very obsessed with Bai in the story.

"Hi..." I say.

"What the hell, Muir. Why are you even here?" Rosa asks.

"Well, I've been here looking for a female that was taken, but the males I went with died. And I was hurt so I couldn't fly. Then I heard talking." I nod poor guy.

"That female you were looking for has joined the ferals. There's a whole group of thousands ready to attack the city. Everyone is leaving." Curtis hisses.

"You can come with us, Muir.." I tell him. Damn he is really fine, too.. I just don't know what he's actually like.

"Thank you, female." His face blushes. I nod.

"This way." I say as Curtis and Bart lead us out. Our hubby's set up a bunch of furs and logs for us to sit. Muir just looks stunned seeing Kadens appearance.

"Kadens, my mate, he's so awesome looking, isn't he?" I ask Muir.

"Uh.. yeah." He nods. Winston goes and hunts with Shuu. Kaden and Damian take a much needed nap. So I sit on Curtis's lap while I play with Harvey's tail. Every once in a while, his tail will tickle my leg, so I touch his tail. His ears keep moving. I giggle.
Winston and Shuu get back with a few deer. Lucien sits beside me and Curtis just watching Harvey cool in amazement.
Muir joins us and sits by me, too. I shyly just ignore it so I don't drool. Plus my hubby's are fucking hot too. I grin thinking of how they look.

"Paige?" I snap out of it and see Harvey trying to hand me food. I blush and kiss him.

"Sorry I was..thinking of my handsome mates."
Curtis rubs my belly. We start to eat but I feel sick. I get up fast and run to the bushes where I let it all out. Everything I ate my eyes blur from tears. I feel so sick. Harvey's rubbing my back and Curtis went to get some water.

"Paige would you rather some fruit?"
I not Curtis hands me water so I can spit this awful taste out. So I do then I brush and use a bit of dried mint to remove the taste. I wash my hands with some more water and wash my face. I feel a bit better. Harvey picks me up and holds me on his lap we sit in our spot.
Damian walks over to me rubbing my stomach.

"What kind of fruit do you want Paige?" I look at Damian and touch his hand.

"Can you find me something sour?"

"Of course I'll get it." I nod.

"I know where it is I'll show you." Muir tells Damian and they both go into the forest.
I lean back on Harvey and fall asleep not feeling to good. I wake up and I'm in Damian's arms. He hands me the fruit already peeled. Harvey hands me a tea to sooth my stomach.

"Thank you. Thank you for showing my mate where the fruit is Muir." I tell him too. I drink on the tea and scarf the first two fruits cause I'm starving. I lay back into Damian's arms.

Shuu's Pov:

Poor Paige she's not feeling to good. Her and Damian are asleep. I start making her a warmer set of clothes. She will need them when we get north. Bart did tell our father where we are going. They will come north too. I touch Paiges lips. She's so perfect. I'm lucky.

Winston's Pov:

We all lay down but I'm taking watch with Curtis, Bart, and Holly's male snake. We hear a noise in the forest. Shuu gets up and puts out the fire.
I see Damian wake up but he doesn't move from a Paige. We sit and listen. Waiting to see if they come this way.
Then we see a band of ferals come out. We start attacking. Damian hands Paige to Harvey.

Paiges Pov:

I wake up to growls that are deafening. I hug Harvey seeing what's happening. Holly and Rosa are lead with me to Kaden.
Kaden is standing ready to breath fire on anyone who come near. We go under Kaden. I even see Lucien attacking and Muir. The males attacking us spot Kaden and run. I hug Kadens back claw. I see him bring his heads around to me.

"Creepy but effective." Rosa says. Me and Holly just laugh.
We decide to leave again. Rosa Holly amd I will just sleep on the way. Which is exactly what we do. I hold onto Winston sleeping in his arms. His pur helps me relax. I'm just as comfortable now as I am when we still had our home. My hubby's are my home. We eventually land.
Do our normal but this time I have Kaden and Damian's head on my lap asleep. I rub their hair. Admiring how handsome they are.

"So Paige if there was a way to go back would you? I mean you would be able to start over." Rosa asks me. Shit I know that answer it's a no brainer.


"Neither would i." I nod at her.
We talk for a while but I can't keep my eyes open at all. Then I start to fall to my right. I feel it but I'm to tired to care.

Muir's Pov:

I all the sudden see Paige falling over to me so I catch her. She's asleep. I hold her until Harvey comes over. She is perfect. I wonder if she likes me. I just want someone who will care for me too. Most Hawk clan have trouble finding a female. I guess it's because we have trouble showing our emotions as well. I touch her face. 
She really is beautiful. When her mate comes I switch spots with him I move and sit a little further. I wish I had that.. she's everything in a female I've wanted. I see her male kiss her forehead. She cuddles closer to him. She grabs forward grabbing a hold of the silver haired males hand. He smirks at her.

Winston's Pov:

Later that night we're all on the furs I feel Paige get up. I sit up looking at her.

"Paige are you okay?" I whisper. She crawls to me straddling me. We kiss and I rub her hips. She's still kind of asleep.

"Winston.. I need you.." her breathy plea gets me hard ready for her. So I slide her down on me. Her moans are breathy and quiet. I growl a bit. Loving the way she kisses my neck and runs her fingers in my hair.
I grind into her and she slightly claws my back. She's on top. I pull her top down licking her mounds. Shuu wakes up and starts to go behind Paige rubbing her sides..

Paiges Pov:

I feel Shuus kisses and bites on my neck. I moan wanting more. I turn and deeply kiss him. His tongue runs over mine. He grabs my hands and pines then behind me. Winston starts to grind harder and deeper into me. Shuu joins shoving his hard dick inside me as well. I moan more and Shuu sticks his finger in my mouth. Winston starts to bite me and holds my legs open watching his dick slide in and out of me. My arms are still held by Shuus one hand. I tried to cum but they didn't let me.

"Not until we have our fun with you." Shuu said in my ear. I moan and nod."


(I found out I might not be able to post tomorrow.. so I'm posting these two early. So enjoy! These are tomorrow's I already wrote. Lol usually I write them very early so.. yep enjoy tomorrow's chapters. ( ´∀` )b )

Well.. they have to get moral some way on their trip right?...
Don't look at meee byeeeee


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