55. Dispute of a Fox

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Paige's Pov:

It's been storming again, but I'm glad cause that means hardly anyone is outside. I snuggle with my handsome Tiger and Wolf. I'm holding my egg, keeping her warm. I can't wait until you're hatched. I feel delicate fingers rubbing my hair. I look up seeing my handsome Curtis. I grin, reaching up and touching his chin.

"Curtis, join us?" He nods, staying far from our egg he lays his head on my lap. I start rubbing his head. If it wasn't for Curtis being almost immune to that sleeping poison, I would have been taken for longer. He still fought to stay awake to get help. I'm so very grateful. Each handsome hubby they touch my heart in a special way. I'm very lucky. I love them all so very much, and I'm glad I will never be alone anymore. I'm thankful I feel loved. I used to think nobody would mourn me. Oh, how wrong I was. Now we have our first cub. She will be so beautiful, I hope inside and out. I want to enjoy everything with my hubby's experience all our joys.

"Paige, I need to go help Rosa she's giving birth." I sit up, oh my god! I nod.

"Okay! Go, go!" Harvey runs off with his pouch. Aww, I'll be able to see them. How cute! I lay back rubbing Curtis hair again. Winston is purring while I have my head on him. And Shuu is on my right side asleep cuddled to me. I love this. My other hubby's are busy with hunting or fishing. Caspian is setting up a small barn since the cold season is on its way. Kadens smoking meat. I think Muir is getting me fruits. What amazing men.
I sit up with a gasp. All three of my hubby's sit up with me. My mark..

"It hurts.." I wheeze holding my hand on my mate mark.. Who who.. I look down. Muir!

"Please find him. Muir.." I cry out.
Winston runs off fast while Shuu and Curtis rub me consoling me.

Holly's Pov:

"What is this for?" I ask the male at the stall.

"This is for tieing thing female it works better than vines." Oh! I nod, looking more at the stall. Ever since Jed left to find his brother, I've been feeling a bit down. So Parker and Markus took me out to shop. Alva is holding Elodie.
A female runs into me, and I fall, but Markus helps me.

"Watch where you're going ugly!"

"Hey, you ran into my female. You need to watch where you're going." Parker tells her.

"Mate, attack that male he yelled at me." The female says. Oh my god!
Three males run twords Parker. Markus tries to help, but they both get seriously hurt. Then Muir swoops down, helping. Oh my god! Alva grabs me and Elodie running us to Paige's.
I sob and wince. My marks.. I spot Winston and Kaden heading to town they see me but keep going. Oh, thank you, Paige! You have great mates!
The pain becomes unbearable.. Markus.. my males mate mark starts to disappear... no.. noo.. I sob..
It hurts.. beast God, please don't let me lose another mate.. please..

"Holly!! Come on, let's get you inside, okay?" Paiges hugs me, walking me to a spot to sit. She just hugs me.

"Holly look. Their still alive. See?" I sob trembling.

"Shh Holly their okay. They will be okay." She rubs my head. All I can get out is an okay between my cries. Curtis is watching the door. Hissing..

Lucien's Pov:

This horrible female! What a disgusting trick. Shifting, I run up with a roar. The Foxes stop.

"You dare!" I roar as the fox males were going for a killing blow to Muir. He falls over into Kaden.
I walk up twords this females mates.

"You female are banned from any fox tribe!" The males cower.
"To use your males in such a way! Despicable, truly disgusting. You are no fox of my ancestors. I denounce your ancestors! Leave, or I won't be as generous." I growl out. I shift, grabbing Markus. He's almost dead. I feed him an emrald.

"You will live young cub. Because of my ancestors, you almost lost your life. So, to right the wrong from a fox, I take responsibility for my people. i bare the weight of their choices." I pick him up, walking him to my home where I think Holly would go. Kaden and Winston carry Parker and Muir back.
How disappointing of my fox tribes..
The Bear and Fox leader bow. As I pass them.

Paige's Pov:

I see Lucien walk in, holding a very hurt Markus. Oh my god!

"Holly, look, Markus." She rushes over. I grab some things that I know will help until Harvey comes home. I look him over.. oh my god. Lucien set him down on a few furs. He needs stitches.. I've done them on myself before.

"Lucien, I need a piece of your hair. I have to stich the wound closed. Curtis, get me some warm water, please. Tell Damian to get some furs washed in hot water." They get to doing what I asked for soon. I get hot water and wash the wounds. Holly just watches. Holding Markus's hand. I clean the long silvery hair and start stitching his wounds. Grabbing willow bark that was ground into a powder. I add honey and golden seal roots. To it mixing it up. I put it on a clean, dry skin and place them on the big wounds. I put a bit on smaller wounds. I start working on Parker, too, and Muir. I have to hold back sobs. I kiss Muir.

"Your home and safe, okay? I have you here, so just rest and get better love. Im proud of you, Muir, for helping them." I rub his cheek. Whispering.

We all eat in silence, but Elodie is giggling playing on Winston.

"Holly, I'll set a room up for you. You will stay here until they are better, and Jed comes back." She nods.

"Thank you so much, Paige."

"Any time Holly were family." I smile at her.

Shuu helps me get Holly's room set up. We put lots of wood for the fireplace for her, too.

"Holly, I'll have Winston stay in your room tonight to keep the fire going for you." She nods, Thank god her brother is my mate, so it's not inappropriate.
He can keep an eye out for her males, too. Harvey checks on Markus, Parker, and Muir.

"Well, they will be okay. Also, they are all getting a stripe." Harvey tells us. Oh, thank God. I sigh in relief.
Muir is the first to wake up in the middle of the night with a groan. I get up, moving closer to him.

"I'm here, love. I'll get you water." I tell him.

"No, Paige, I'll get him water. Just stay there." Harvey tells me. That's good cause I'm scared to go anywhere alone in my house by myself now. Harvey comes back with water propping Muir up gently. I help hold the cup. He drinks a bit. Weakly touching my arm.

"Muir, you got a stripe. And saved Holly's mates. I'm so proud of you." He slightly smiles.

"Feather.." I hug him lightly.

"I love you too. Get some sleep. Harvey will get some medicine made for you." I kiss him.

"Okay.." he nods. I lay his head on my lap. I take his braid out of his hair and start rubbing his head. He watches me.
I pull the fur up on Muir to keep him warm.

"You really saved the day. Holly was so worried. But they are alive. Muir, still be careful.. I can't lose you." I whisper.

"I know, feather. I'll be more careful." I nod.

"I felt your mark.. it was painful. Is that what you feel?"

"Yes.. it feels like I'm cut from you. That's what you felt. Is me almost dying. I'll get stronger." I smile sadly.

"Muir.. even if something happened.. I hope never, but if it did, you'd never be apart from me. I still hold you in my heart. No mark can take that away." He smiles, touching my cheek.

Lucien's Pov:

I slightly smile. As I hear Paige talk. I know we're all awake.. I'm just glad she loves us all this much.


(*ノ∀`*) I hope you like this chapter. <3
Love you all!! I'm very thankful for all of you who are enjoying the story. It means a lot.
Take care, stay warm and healthy!
Be safe for the holidays, too!

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