79. Conflict

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Paige's Pov:

I watch as the fox cub slowly walks a bit closer to where we are. Not stepping on the fir we're sitting on. He watches Faith his fluffy black tail swinging back and forth happily. Azrael is helping the male fox older brother with getting his order gathered. That's when I see it. Eudora getting down from her males arm's she walks over to me and kicks the male cub out of the way. He tumbled down into the dirt I hand Faith to Shuu. Getting up fast I run to the poor cub.

"Oh my god! Are you okay?" I pick up the black fox cub. Turning around angrily at Eudora. I point my finger at her.

"You piece of shit! How can you hurt a cub?" I scream at her. All the abuse.. all the feelings I've had built up. Nobody stood up for me when I was young. This poor boy didn't deserve any of it.

"Well you should really stop showing around you ugly cubs." She huffs at me. Her hands resting on her hips. Winston and the male fox growl. Azrael steps beside me. Caspian goes to hold me but I'm fucking pissed. I pull back my hand and slap her.

"You cruel thing!" I yell at her. Eudora goes to hit me but she faints falling backwards falling into one of her mates. Azrael and Caspian hug me. Winston gets infront of me. Eudora's males growl at us.

"You hurt our mate!" They start screaming.

"Fuck yeah she hurt a cub! What was she going to do next? Hurt my female cub? Of course I hurt her!" I hear males whispering as they crowd around.

"She didn't hurt the female cub!" Her leopard male growls.

"Yeah she was walking twords me like she was going to. She hurt this fox cub what makes me think she won't hurt my cub!" I clinch my jaw.
I check the fox cub he looks hurt.

"Fuck your ugly mate go take her back to the dark hole she crawled out of!" I yell. Grabbing Caspian and Shuu we quickly run back home still holding the fox cub. Shuu holding Faith. The older fox brother following us.
We get to the front of my house.

"Harvey!!" I yell as I walk up to the door.

"Paige what's wrong?" I see Harvey come out from behind the house.

"Help this cub he's hurt." Harvey runs over taking a look. He takes the little fox from my arms. Taking him into the house we follow except the brother he waits outside.

"The cubs leg is broken. I need to set the bone." Harvey grabs a white poppy from a jar getting out some of the white liquid he feeds it to the cub. He then has Muir hold the cub as he resets the bone. I wince.

"Hey Harvey you can splint the leg so he won't move it. That way it can heal correctly." I tell him.

"How? That's a good idea." I nod.

"Get two sticks and some fur strips." I tell Kaden.
He comes back with them. So I show how to wrap the leg to the sticks. Harvey's eyes light up.

"That's a wonderful idea bunny." He wraps the cubs leg making sure it stops him from moving it.

"Hey bitch knock knock! I'm here for your entertainment purposes. Anyways what the hell happened at the Market? Damn Alec ran there as fast as he could I guess some stupid bitch fought another girl or some shit." Rosa tells me.

"Yeah she was fighting me. She kicked this fox cub and broke his leg." I explain to Rosa.

"Oh shit really? A female hurt a cub? Tsk... she's going to be introuble... damn I once got introuble and had to become a breeder for a year. Fuckin sex was on point." Rosa tells me..

"You crack me up." I tell Rosa.

"Yeah well I'm fucking cool like that. So aunty when do we start ya know... hooking up aunty Holly with more mates." Rosa gives me a devious grin and it scares me.

"Calm down purple sword swallower." I tell her giggling.

"Hey I like that! Your finally opening up! Oh speaking of cubs my cousin Melody she's doing better finally. She likes a strong bear male here in town. Also I wanted to tell you.. the dark one whoever that is maybe he has a big D for the R but yeah hes been spotted. I heard Bart Jace and Max talking about it. I have no fucking clue who it is but he sound mysterious and fuckin hot. So yep careful of the dark one he might steal your pussy at night. And to tell you the truth I'm gonna be in the buff all night incase. Know what I mean?" Rose elbow nudges me.

"I don't want to know..." I tell her.

"Common your hormonal horny ass doesn't get it? Then why the fuck have all these hot men that can feed you all night?" I laugh.

"I mean... lately they have been all over me and I can't help but be a drooling school girl for them." I tell her shyly.

"Yeah bitch because when the man cums inside and you have a bit of his DNA inside of you forever. Or some shit I read about that at my last gynecologist before I died." I look at her shocked.

"Really? Is that what made you go into see the gynecologist?" I ask Rosa.

"No bitch it's cause he had nice fingers and a nick dick." Rosa says and I look at her flatly. I knew it.
Harvey is talking to the brother of the fox cub beside the door.

"Well I need to get Alec is here. Bye bitch love you to pieces. And if I'm in pieces get me a working pussy or something." We both laugh. Then we hug as she leaves. I see my hubby's come home with Azrael.
I see Shuu arguing with Alec outside. I get a bit curious as does Lucien. So we go outside too. Rosa's just standing there listening.

"What do you mean you can't do anything? That female hurt a cub!" Shuu yells.

"It's not that I can't do anything Shuu, it's that I have to talk with the kings making sure our alliance won't be broken over this if I do something." Alec explains.

"That female hurt a cub! What next? Kick my cub too? When will something be done Alec?" Shuu asks.

"Haa... all I'm saying is I can't do anything yet until I speak with the Leopard King. The female came under his protection." Alec tries to add.

"Although I understand cub why you are afraid to punish a female. But this is your village. The female weather or not under protection came here to your village. They need to follow your rule. If you don't set the rules and let the kings decide in your village them your handing over your leadership to them. If they take their alliance back then they lose the Forbidden Cities alliance as well. The law of a female hurting a cub is serious. I expect something to be done. Without speaking with the kings. If they have a issue then it is their own for not making sure their people follow the rules." Lucien explained.

"That's right. Plus what if that was our cub? Make that bitch a breeder. Alec if you let them rule here then I'll lose all respect I had for you as a leader. Men aren't hot when they aren't assertive." Rosa says.

"I agree. Eudora gets away with to much she has to be held accountable. She did this to herself and the kings are responsible to make sure that everyone they bring must follow the rules here." I tell them.

"Your right.. I'll go do the punishment then." We all nod. I hug Shuu as his shoulders start to relax.
Winston starts to walk over.

"Oh! Hi uncle! Guess what I found out! Did you know that snake beastmen always are errect and always ready for a good dickin?" Rosa screams to Winston waving. Winston started to walk over but turns to the right and walks behind the house. I burst into laughter.

"Oh my god!" I say laughing.

"Yeah I love teasing my uncle ever since you both mated it's fucking hilarious. Oh are you going with us Paige to watch the show when Eudora gets put in her place?" Rosa asks me.

"Eh..." I start to walk backwards a bit. But Rosa grabs my hand.

"Common bitch your going. We can totally scream obscenities with the villagers." Oh my god Rosa. I sigh..
So upon making me go I pull Lucien with me and Shuu. If I have to go you do too.
We head to the huge flat stone in the middle of the town. Practically being Dragged as Rosa screams "Oh that poor cub what a evil female." Getting others attention like a fucking disaster horn that would blare to let a city know to evacuate..

I love writing Rosa so much.
Tell me what you think. <3
( v^-゜)♪
This is all I have today cause my kiddo is real sick right now.. so yep

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