37. Washed

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Paiges Pov:

We sit eating breakfast. I'm grinning fighting Curtis for the last omelet. I give him a sad look and he gives in. Bwahaha.. I shove the whole thing in my mouth infront of him. This is payback!

"Paige slow down you'll choke." Harvey says to me. I can't chew cause my mouth is to full. So it takes me a while. Curtis laughs thinking it's hilarious with Lucien.  Shuu is looking at me wide-eyed. Damian, Harvey and Winston are trying to help me. Kaden is holding in his laughter. All the while Muir is looking at me with a huge shit eating grin.

"She can probably fit a lot in her mouth." Muir says in fascination. I nearly spit my food that pervert really said that. Then Kaden blows up laughing. Eh.. he's right after a while im getting better and better at sucking cock... I cry in my head.

We finish eating but I'm asking Damian for some left over bacon. He smirks at me.

"I'll give you this but you cant shove it all in your mouth. Okay?"

"Of course I wont." I nod Damian hands me the bacon as Curtis comes by taking a bite of my bacon.

"Hey!" I yell..I shove all of it in my mouth glaring at him.

"Curtis can you not?" Winston asks.

"I just wanted to tease." I nod. Winston shakes his head and goes outside to help pack up. Thing is it's raining heavy. I peek out of the cave.

"We will need to walk this. If I fly there's a chance of Paige slipping off my back." Damian says.

"Also the rain will hurt." Kaden adds.

"Okay who's back will I be on then?" I grin.

"Paige we will fly over with Muir. To make sure nothing comes close to you." Okay sounds like a idea.

"You can ride me Paige." Shuu says with a big smile. Aww I hug him.

"Alright Shuu I get to be on your back today! I'm so excited your fluffy fur is so nice." I grab his hand. He puts two furs around me to keep me warm and dry. He takes his cloth off and I take it for him. I climb his back rubbing my face of his fur. Soft..
He howls that he's ready. We meet the other's as they had the same plan. We head off.

After a while of running my ass starts to hurt. I'm tired and hungry.

"Shuu can we take a break? I'm so sore.."  Shuu howls as everyone stops and lands. I slump off Shuu's back. I hug him tight and kiss his snout. Giving him his cloth he shifts. Putting his cloth almost on all the way as I drag him to a area cause I have to pee and I'm not going alone. He laughs.

"Okay okay love I know I'm going." Shuu tells me. I chuckle now I really have to pee. I run off into a bush and do my thing. I come out and Shuu has fixed his furs. In the still pouring rain lifting my hands to get them wet to wash but i still need a river.

"Is there a river close by?" I ask.

The ground shakes pretty bad. Some trees crack and fall. Shuu gets on top of me to cover me. What the hell!

"What's happening?" Im scared. I hug him tight.

"The land is shaking." I look at him. And we start to hear a water fall.

"Oh there's a river I hear it." I tell him.

"Paige that's not a river hold on to me." He picks me up and runs. I look behind us and see a huge river coming twords us. Oh shit.

"No time we need to climb a tree." Shuu pushes me up a tree but I can't grasp the branch. We both get swept into the water as i shreik. I grab Shuu holding on for dear life. The water is brown like mud and trees are moving down the water at a fast rate. I cough and spit as i get some in my mouth. Shuu holds me tight trying to swim to a hill. But nothing.. the water is to fast. We see Curtis trying to get to us but it's no use. Luckily we don't hit anything to bad, but we get washed out to the ocean. I hold onto Shuu even more. My water phobia starts to kick in. I start hyperventilating.

"Shuu.." I cough as we get push down under the waves. Shuu is still holding me. He swims us to get air before we get. Sent in a roll under the waves again. This time my head hits something. It hurt really bad my vision blurs but I manage to stay awake a bit.

"Paige!" I feel myself get heavy and my head pounds. I close my eyes.
I wake up and I see a blurry figure in front of me.
I try to sit up but start to fall back down.

"Hey.. don't move yet okay?" I sit up anyways leaning to the side I puke up water. The male rubs my back.

"That was quite the storm you got stuck in."

"Paige are you okay?" Shuu asks me. I feel his hand on my hair. I nod coughing.
I touch my head as I wince from the pain.

"Don't touch it we cleaned your wound." The guy says. I look at him but it's still blurry and I start to cry.

"Shh.. Paige we will be okay. They're almost here alright?" I nod hugging him.

"At least my hands are clean.." I whisper. Shuu laughs a bit.

"They are. This male saved us. Paige." I rub my eyes.

"I can't see very well." I start to cry.

"What? Look at me." He grabs my face studying me, I think.

"Do you think I'm going to be blind?" I start crying. I wipe the tears from my cheeks.

"No.. we will fix this." Shuu hugs me tight. I end up falling asleep.

New males Pov:

I study and watch the little female.
She seems scared and tired. Her male calms her enough, which is good.
Putting a few fish down on the shore, I begin cleaning them.

"Does your female like fish?" I ask.

"She does," He answers in a worried tone.

"How does she like it?"

"Cooked with salt and cry root and smell root." I look at him weird. Medicine?

"Medicine on food?" I shrug okay.
I look at the female again she's very beautiful. I would almost believe that if she told me she's from my clan, but a few things give her away from my clan.
Eh.. I don't even care. I'm too lazy to care anymore. Also that my clan is basically going extinct.

I cook the fish over fire using direction from the females mate.
Her mate wakes her helping her sit up to eat. Which she eats.

"It's good. Thank you." Hmm.? Did I hear her right?

"Did you cook this?" She asks.

"I did. Good thing you like it." I Hand her another leaf of it.
Well she's interesting.

Paiges Pov:

After we eat I lean back into Shuu. Exhausted and even more sore now. I think it's getting dark. Shuu's arms go around me.

"Paige you need to dry your cloth otherwise you can get sick." I nod he's right but....

"I..I can't take it all off." I tell him.

"I'll make you a outfit if you want it doesn't get wet." He says to me.

Other Males Pov:

"Thank you.. if it's not to much trouble."
I starts to pull a silky cloth out of my pouch. Eh.. not like I'll have a female I grab the mermaid silk. The color is like a mother of peal. When the it moves you can see other colors like pinks, purple, yellow, blues, and greens. It's a nice cloth.
Pulling a long hair out i starts to sew it.
This will look good on her with her looks. Poor female but she wouldn't like me.
Give up immediately.. I just tell myself.
Wow look at her mate marks. She really cares for her mates.
Must be nice..
I sigh sewing. After a bit her male puts the cloth on her. I look away but I see the fire casting her shadow on the sand. She is beautiful.


Hope you enjoy! Sorry if there is typos,
It's been a long day and I'm exhausted.
I'll proof read this later... sorry..
(* ´ ▽ ' *)ノ

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