Derek - Tree Hero

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"You're having trouble," Derek stated. "Use your legs more."

"I don't really see what climbing a tree has to do with increasing my werewolf stamina," you told him, hugging the tree.

"You're training," he reminded you in a monotone.

You clung aimlessly to the tree. The first branch was too high for you to reach. "I can't do it."

"You forgot you're a werewolf," he said.

"I didn't forget," you told him, but he was right. You backed up about ten feet from the tree. You took off into a run, and jumped up to the first branch. "Cool!"

Derek rolled his eyes as you climbed up the branches.

"Okay," Derek said after about thirty feet. "You can come down now."

Your face flushed. "I don't know how." Suddenly, everything seemed higher up. Your hands vibrated against the trunk of the tree. Just seconds ago, the branch you were situated on seemed comfortable. Realizing how high up you were made the prospect of falling terrifying.

"[Y/N]?" Derek called from below.

"I don't know," you said in a distant voice. "I don't know how to get down."

You made eye contact with Derek from your spot in the tree. A determined look flashed across his face. "I'm coming up," he said.

Derek effortlessly jumped to the first branch and pulled himself up. "Don't move," he said, grabbing the next secure branch.

"Can't," you said, gluing yourself to the tree.

It didn't take long for Derek to reach you. He worked fast, skipping branches that seemed impossible to pass by. It was as if he had no worries of falling, and was only set to get to you.

"Okay," Derek said when he reached the branch below yours. "Come down one."

"What if the branch breaks?"

"It won't. My entire family used to sit up here," Derek assured you. "Before they were burned alive."

Derek put his hands on your waist. A warm surge of comfort ran through you. Still clutching the tree, you climbed down to his level.

The two of you sat on the branch, facing one another. "Slowly," he took your hand.

"Derek?," you said.


With a cool punch, you allowed your lips to glide onto his. Derek took action immediately, moving his hands through your hair.

You pulled back to see his face full of affection, an expression you'd never seen on Derek.

"Did you do this with your family?" You asked.

Derek smirked, and took your lips back into his control.

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