Derek - Do You Even Care?

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Author's Note:
Please go check out my story, The Good Wolves, about a werewolf hunter who comes to town only to fall in love with a wolf she is supposed to kill.

I posted the second chapter the other day.

You lay across Derek's couch, holding your hand to your aching head. You could hear Derek fumbling around in the kitchen.

His apartment was nicer than you had expected, considering Derek's last two places of residence were a half burned down house in the middle of the woods and a creepy, empty loft.

"Here," Derek walked back into his living room with a wet towel and pulled a chair up next to the couch.

"Thanks," you sighed, and pressed it onto your head wound.

"Like this," Derek took the towel from your hands, and started dabbing it.

"It hurts," you groaned, letting your head rest on the pillow.

"It tends to hurt when you get hit over the head by a predatory Omega," Derek said, and paused. "How did you find me?"

Derek had left a long time ago. Ever since he evolved and left Beacon Hills, you had seldom heard his name.

"I tracked your cell phone records," you explained. "I was looking for you in the woods when that Omega found me. I figured you'd be living in seclusion."

"Well," he took the towel away. "Seclusion wasn't suiting me anymore."

"Then maybe you should come home," you said.

"To what?" Derek raised his eyebrow. "My homey loft?"

"No, to us," you sighed. "We miss you, and we need you."


"Yeah... Scott, Stiles, Lydia and, well, me," you said.

"I don't see any of them here," Derek got up and took the towel away. He returned with a band aid, and stuck it to your wound. "Why did you come?"

"Because," you closed your eyes. "I missed you."

"I missed you guys, too," he said.

You guys. He couldn't say that he missed you, and just you. He couldn't say he felt the same way that you felt about him.

"I mean I really missed you," you said.

"I really miss Beacon Hills, but I can't come back," he said.

"Jesus, Derek! I'm not asking you to come back!" You shot straight up.

"Lay back down," he said softly, but you ignored him.

"I just wanted to come see you because I miss you! You can't even say you missed me back! Do you want to know why I missed you, Derek? Huh? Do you even care why I came all this way? Do you want to know why I put myself in danger to come here? Me, a weak and inferior human, search for you in the woods? It's because I love you! That's right, I love you! And there's nothing you can do about it, Derek Hale. I love you! You! A beastly werewolf full of-"

Derek didn't let you finish your angry rant. He leaned off the edge of his chair and kissed you.

"I do care," he said. "And I love you too."

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