Theo - Linked

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It had been a week. An entire long, grueling week since Theo's witch friend linked the two of you together to save Theo from dying.

Scott had come so close to killing Theo. He would have if the witch hadn't shown up. Now Theo can't be killed without killing you too.

You waited in Scott's room for him to come home. He had been researching ways to unbind you from Theo.

It was more complicated than he thought it would be. There were too many risks, since you were a human and Theo was a Chimera. Scott couldn't seem to find a method that didn't put you in jeopardy of being ripped in half and strengthening Theo.

The door downstairs creaked open, and you stood up off the bed.

"Scott?" You called, but no answer came. A strange noise came from downstairs, and you recognized it immediately. It was the sound of the Dread Doctors.

You slammed the door to Scott's room shut, and locked it. You started to blockade the door with furniture, but your efforts were futile.

The Doctors kicked down the door without effort, and walked slowly into Scott's room.

"What are you doing here?" You shouted at them, backing away.

The Doctors didn't answer. The tallest one stepped forwards holding a sharp, metallic rod.

"What do you want?" You tried to ask.

The tall Doctor stabbed the rod into your stomach, and you fell to the ground in pain. You let out a scream of agony and rolled around on the floor.

The Doctors gathered around you and started pulling things out of their pockets. One of them held a test tube, while the other two poured substances inside.

The tall Doctor took the test tube, and held it over you. He started to turn it into its side, but was stopped by a presence in the door.

"Hey!" Theo's voice yelled gruffly.

The Doctor held the substance firmly in his hand, and turned around to look at Theo, who was bleeding from the stomach.

"We will separate you," the Doctor said in its mechanical voice.

"You'll kill her," Theo said. "Won't you?"

"Yes," the Doctor answered. He started to pour the test tube out, but Theo stumbled over and grabbed it out of his hand.

"No!" Theo screamed, throwing it in the Doctor's face.

A part of his face sparked, and he stared at Theo. "You have failed," he said.

"I don't care," Theo glared.

All three Doctors turned around and walked back out the door, as if they had lost interest in you.

"Hey," Theo said, sitting down and putting your head on his lap.

"You're bleeding," you said weakly, looking at his stomach.

"You're bleeding more," he frowned, putting pressure on your wound. "Don't worry. Scott will be here soon, and Melissa will be with him. She'll take care of you."

"Why did you stop them?" You mumbled.

Theo sighed and looked at the doorway. "I know I'm not a real werewolf," he said. "But when we were linked, I could feel it. I could feel it like I was a real wolf."

"Feel what?" You asked.

"I felt you. I felt you in my heart," Theo explained. "You were like warmth around my body, and... I love you."

The door opened downstairs. "[Y/N]!" Scott yelled.

Theo put his finger to his lips, and then reached down and kissed you. "I'm not as bad as you think," he whispered.

You turned your head to the side, and watched him climb out the window just as Scott and Melissa came in.

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