Scott- Priorities

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Author's Note: I will be taking a break from my imagines for a while to start another Teen Wolf book, so requests will be closed for a while longer.
QOTD: Favorite episode?
AOTD: 1x04, 2x02, 3x06 or 3x18

You stood outside with your finger against the door bell, letting it ring over and over again.

You were waiting for Scott McCall to answer. You had never met him, but you heard that he was looking for someone to help him find a chimera, and he was willing to pay, which was the only thing you were interested in thus far.

"Hi," Scott finally swung the door open.

"Hey, I'm [Y/N]."

"I'm sorry?"

"[Y/N]," you repeated slowly, dragging out the name. "I'm here about the job."


"The plumbing job," you said sarcastically, glaring. "I'm here to find the chimera, you true alpha genius."

"Oh," he said, raising his head. "I asked for Braeden. Where is she?"

"Braeden couldn't make it, but we're in the same line of business so you have me."

"Sorry, but we kind of need Braeden. We need someone we can trust."

"Well, I'm her sister," you pushed the door open all the way and walked into his house. "And you're stuck with me."

Scott sighed and closed the door behind you, looking stiff and uncomfortable.

"So tell me about this chimera," you said.

"Uh, his name is Theo Raeken," he scratched the back of his head. "He's a senior. He's evil. He's got brown hair, uh, yellow glowing eyes, and... claws."

"Is he super hot?"

"Yeah, definitely. But not as hot as me. I'd consider him a close second."

"Does he have perfect teeth?"


"Does he kind of have this smile that makes you want to make out with him and punch him in the face at the same time?"

"You know, I have noticed that."

"Scott," you said.


"He's walking down the street."

Scott turned to look out the same window you were staring at, and his eyes widened. "Tell Braeden that this is more important than whatever she's doing right now. I'm gonna need her."

"You have me."

"Call Braeden."

"I'll handle this."

"I'm serious," Scott said. "You have no idea what this guy is capable of. You could get hurt."

"Listen, I know all about the whole 'oh no, Theo killed me and now I have to be super dead for like a minute' thing, but I'm a little smarter than you, a little faster than you, and a little better than you. So why don't you sit back and let the grown ups handle this?"

"What do you mean grown ups? You look my age!"

You took your gun out of your belt, and positioned it towards the door.

"Don't kill him!" Scott yelled as an uninvited Theo walked through the door.

You shot him with your taser, and he fell to the ground, unconscious. "It's a stun gun, you idiot. Enough voltage to knock even you out."

"I... don't know why we never thought of this before."

"Alright, I found him. I'll take my money now."

"No way! He came to my house. You didn't find him."

"I tased him. Give me my money."

"I could have tased him. You're not getting money for this."

"Give me my money," you pointed the gun at him. "Or I'll have to pull the trigger and go through your wallet."

Scott sighed again and pulled a stack of cash out of back pocket. He gave it one last longing look before turning it over to you.

"What did you do? Rob a bank?"

"No, I got it from a friend."

"Can I be his friend too?" You pressed the cash to your face and took in the sweet smell of wealth.

"Ask Braeden. She's pretty friendly with him," he grumbled, and you suddenly felt guilty for taking his money.

"Here," you slipped him a hundred. "I don't want to take all your money."

"You're giving me a hundred?" He asked, and you nodded. "That's like $10,000."

"I'm not that generous," you told him. "But, since I do feel the smallest shred of guilt, I'll take you out to dinner."

"Maybe I don't want to go to dinner with you," he smirked.

"Fine, I'll dine alone with $9,900 sitting in my back pocket," you reached for the door knob.

"Wait," he grabbed your wrist. "I'll go, okay?"

Scott let go of your wrist, and opened the door for you, as if you couldn't do it yourself.

"Forgetting something?" You asked.

"Ah," he grabbed his jacket from the coat rack.

"No, I mean the unconscious chimera on your floor."

"Oh, yeah. I'll call my friends and let them take care of it. This is way more important."

You smiled and locked elbows with him, walking down the porch to the beginning of a new life.

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