Liam- Second Chance

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Author's Note: I'm going to unpublish and republish 72 Hours because a lot of people still don't know it exists. Anyway, I felt like there aren't enough imagines where the guy is the one in danger.

QOTD: Favorite villain?
AOTD: Void Stiles

Liam Dunbar was the worst. You dated him for what was simultaneously the best and worst four weeks of your life. You had thought that everything was going great, but when he told you that he resurrected Theo, everything changed. The wonderful month you had been together was now spoiled by his one decision.

You hadn't spoken to him in days, and today he called you out of the blue- said he was sorry, said he was in danger, said he needed help and no one else would answer their damn phones.

Angry, you rolled out of bed in the middle of the night, and headed towards the school, a place of death and destruction during both day and night. Liam told you he was running from someone (a name you couldn't quite catch) and he would meet you in the locker room, which totally doesn't seem ominous at all.

You used your claw to pick the lock on the front door and let yourself in, slowly walking down the hallway, suddenly very afraid of whatever was chasing Liam. It was apparently scary enough that he had called you. That was clearly an act of desperation.

"Liam?" You called, entering the locker room.

There was no answer. You creeped around, checking the place out. Not finding anything, you dialed Liam's number. No one picked up, but you heard a distant ringing, a sound you couldn't quite pinpoint until you looked out the window dividing the locker room and the swimming pool.

Your phone slipped out of your hand when you saw Liam face down in the water, his phone vibrating on the side of the pool.

"Liam!" You screeched, sprinting through the door to the pool. "Liam!"

You dived into the water and swam over to him, sliding your arm across his chest and putting his head above water.

"I've got you," you said, breathing heavily. You held onto Liam with one arm, and used the other one to swim to the side of the pool. You climbed out first, and then pulled Liam onto dry land.

You put your head on his chest, listening to a non-existent heartbeat. Panicking, you started chest compressions.

"Come on, Liam!" You urged him. "Come on! I swear if you die on me, I'll kill you!"

You gave up on compressions, and started to give him mouth to mouth, but nothing seemed to be working. He was lifeless.

"Dammit," you cried out, falling back. "Dammit Liam!"

You put your hand over your face and started sobbing. You dug your claws into the tile, leaving long marks by the side of the pool.

"Dammit!" You screamed, and in one last desperate attempt, you punched Liam in the chest.

He shot up, coughing and sputtering out water.

"Liam," you panted, wiping your wet hair away from your forehead. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," he said, sitting up. "I'm fine."

"Good, because I never want to see you again," you told him, getting on your feet and walking away.

"[Y/N]!" Liam called after you, his voice cracking. "Wait up!"

You reached out to wrap your fingers around the door knob, but Liam, having moved at an inhuman pace, grabbed you by the wrist.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I thought letting Theo out was the best thing for us. I never wanted to do anything to hurt you. Ever."

"You're welcome for saving your life," you told him, pulling your wrist away.

He moved in front of you and blocked the door. "I love you."

"Liam," you sighed. "You can't just blurt that out when you expect to be forgiven. You did a bad thing, and now it's time to deal with the consequences."

"But it's true! I love you. I'll say it as many times as I have to if you don't believe me."

"Liam, move."

"I love you."


"I love you."

"I loved you too."

"And you'll love me again. Just give me a second chance. I'll prove to you that it's worth it."

"One chance," you relented. "I'll give you one more chance."

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