Aiden - Until Death

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Author's Note:
Please go check out my new story, The Good Wolves. I published the first chapter yesterday.

Vote, Comment, Follow! Thanks for reading! This takes place during The Divine Move.

"Lydia?" You asked as the banshee's face turned a pale shade of pink. "What's wrong?"

"Something... Something isn't right," she answered. She backed away slowly and then took off running.

"Lydia!" You called, sprinting after her. You chased her through the halls of the school.

As you ran through the front door, Lydia turned back around and grabbed you by the arm. "[Y/N], don't look," she said.

"What is it?" You looked over her.

"Go back inside. Come on," she opened the door.

"Let go of me," you said, breaking out of her grip and looking down into the courtyard. What you saw in front of you was worse than anything you could have imagined. Aiden was on the ground, bleeding out in Ethan's arms.

"Aiden!" You screamed. Aiden, Ethan, Chris and Derek all whipped their heads around to look at you as you sprinted down the steps.

"[Y/N]," Aiden gave you a bloody smile. "Come to watch me die?"

"You're not going to die," you sat down next to the twins. You stared at his wound. It looked bad, but you couldn't think of any scenario in which Aiden had been taken down and stayed down. "Not like this."

Ethan gave you a sympathetic look, and you didn't like his lack of hope. "What are we still doing here?" You screamed suddenly. "We have to get him to the hospital! We have to save him! What are you guys doing? You're just standing around watching him bleed! What's wrong with you?"

Derek put his hand on your shoulder. "[Y/N], there's nothing they can do for him."

You swat his hand away and stood up to face him. "We have to do something! You murderers! You're killing him!"

"[Y/N], don't," Aiden said. "Sit with me. I just want you to sit with me."

"Aiden," you sat back down and took his hand. "You're not going to die. We have to help you."

Tears began to form in your eyes as you looked back at Aiden's face. Blood ran down his mouth, and he struggled to keep his eyes open.

"I love you," he whispered in your ear. His facial expression changed from that of a confident teen to that of a helpless boy.

"I love you, too," you said.

"Don't forget me," he whimpered.

"How could I?" You smiled. A tear slid into your mouth.

Aiden's breath hitched one last time, and he fell back into Ethan's arms. Ethan lay his head on Aiden's lifeless body.

"No," you cried, slipping your hand out of his. "You're not supposed to die."

You broke down into inconsistent, choked sobs. You felt the cold concrete on the ground, and stood up weakly. You stumbled around, and Derek engulfed you in his arms. "No!" You screamed, pushing him away. But Derek didn't let go. You screamed and tried to wriggle away, but he kept you in his arms. You gave up the effort, and sobbed into his shoulder. You both went to the ground.

"It's going to be okay," Derek tried to console you, but you didn't believe him.

Nothing would ever be okay again.

Aiden was gone, and so were you.

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