Derek- Running on Empty

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You sat on a turtarrier in a dark, empty parking lot. Only one car was parked. It was Derek's, and it was empty.

You didn't know Derek very well. All you knew was that you were Scott's older sister, and he was Scott's older werewolf friend, so you helped him out a couple of times. It was the least you could do, considering the amount of times he had saved your life.

He called you up about an hour ago, asking you to meet him here. He also told you not to tell Scott. He never said that before.

"[Y/N]," Derek startled you by placing his hand on your shoulder.

You whipped around. He was leaning heavily on his right side, clutching a bloody stomach wound.

"You're hurt!"

"I am aware. Thank you," he said calmly.

"We need to get you to a hospital!"

"So I can magically heal in the middle of the ER? I need you to take me back to the loft," he said, throwing you his keys.


"You do know how to drive, don't you?"

"Um, yeah. I can totally drive."

"I'm going to pretend I didn't just hear your heartbeat rise."

Derek climbed slowly into the passenger's seat, and you hopped into the front, sliding the seat forwards.

"Great. So how do I start it?" You asked.

A frightened-looking Derek pointed to the ignition.

"Okay," you said. "Seatbelt. Mirrors. I'm good."

You let your foot off the break, and drove into the turtarrier.

"I knew I was forgetting something," you said, putting the car into reverse. "Why didn't you remind me about the PRNDL?"

"The what?" Derek snapped.

"I don't like that tone," you said, pulling out of the parking spot. You put the car in drive, and the tires screeched as you went forwards too quickly. "Sorry. I mixed up the brake and the accelerator."

"So, why don't you drive?" Derek asked, reaching up to grab hold of the car handle.

"I tried to get my learner's permit once, but I ran over a pedestrian and never went back after that."

"You ran over a pedestrian? Were you drunk?"

"No! Do you honestly think I'd be stupid enough to drink and drive?"

"So how did you hit him? Was he standing in the middle of the road?"

"No, she was on the sidewalk."

"Oh my god."

"I took the corner too fast, and the car just kind of jumped up and hit the curb. I hit more than one pedestrian, actually, but she was the only one who threatened to sue."

"I'm terrified."

"Why didn't you want me to tell Scott I was coming to get you?"

"No reason. You're pushing ninety, by the way."

"Whoops," you pushed down harder on the accelerator, but immediately hit the break. Derek grunted as you came to an abrupt halt in the middle of the empty road. "Sorry, I got the peddles mixed up again."

You started driving seven miles per hour down the long road, mentally going over everything that's happened with Derek since you've met him.

"You've never told me not to tell Scott," you said.

"You have a tendency to hold onto things longer than necessary."

"Why did you tell me that?"

"Let's make a deal. If you can drive thirty miles an hour, I'll tell you."

"It's seven or ninety. There is no in between."

Derek smirked, and you sped up to thirty.

"Scott told me to stay away from you," he finally said.

"What?" You turned your head to look at him.

"Pedestrian!" He shouted, pointing ahead.

You hit the brake so hard, you were surprised it didn't break off. You looked at the empty road, confused.

"Just kidding," Derek said.

You huffed and started driving again. "I know what you're doing. You're trying to distract me from the whole Scott thing."

"You're smart."

"Now you're attempting to use flattery as a distraction."

"You're pretty."

"You make me uncomfortable."

"I make you so uncomfortable that you walked all the way across town in the middle of the night when I called you and asked you to meet me."

"Shut up," you looked at him. "Why didn't you want me to tell Scott?"

"Look out!" He pointed ahead.

"I'm not falling for that again."

"No, seriously!"

You looked ahead to see an old lady crossing the street. You screamed and slammed on the brakes, closing your eyes and bracing yourself for an impact that never came.

"You can look now," Derek said.

"That was close," you panted, watching the lady finish crossing.

"You're two hundred yards away."

"My heart is racing."

Derek didn't know what to say for a second. You didn't want to move the car because he looked so deep in thought, and you didn't want him to lose his words.

"He wanted me to stay away from you because he thinks I like you too much."

"Like... as a friend?"

"No, like I like like you," he said, and then quickly corrected himself. "Like he thinks I like like you."

"He thinks that."


"Do you feel that?"

He was slower to answer. "Yeah."

Your lips found their way onto his, and his hands planted themselves on your cheeks.

"I feel that too," you whispered.

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