Scott- Chasing After

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QOTD: How old are you?
AOTD: 16

"If you fight the Alpha pack, I can't go with you," Scott said.

"Why the hell not?"

"Because it's stupid, and it's suicidal. And I don't want to be a part of that."

"Like, you don't want to be a part of the fight or you don't want to be a part of this relationship?"

You sprinted down the never ending hallway with Kali close behind. Scott's words seemed to resonate a whole lot more now that you realized he was right.

Taking on the Alpha pack was undoubtedly an idiotic move, and if Scott had been calmer in telling you that, you wouldn't have come. At this point, you were there just to prove a point.

You saw a cluster of metal cylinders leaning against the lockers, part of the heavy construction within the school. As you ran past, you pushed one, creating a domino effect. Kali tripped over them, giving you more time.

"I guess I'm not interested in this relationship," Scott told you.

"Alright. I'll go kick some ass and then I'll come back here to see if I can defeat the boy whose not even a real Alpha."

You turned your head to see how close Kali was, and tripped over your own feet. She was nearing, and your fear tried to take over your body until-

You hadn't even noticed him come in, but Scott grabbed your arm and pulled you to your feet. "Come on!" He yelled, taking off.

You followed after him, surprised.

"I thought you said this was stupid!" You yelled, turning a corner.

"I changed my mind!"

You burst through the doors, jumping into Scott's car, which was parked in the grass. Kali jumped in front of the car to stop you from pulling away, but Scott ran her over and you heard the thud thud of her body underneath the tires.

"Ooh," you panted.

"Man, I hope she's not dead," Scott sighed. "Kind of."

"Does you coming here and running Kali down for me mean that you're interested in this relationship again?"

"You know," he said. "I was sitting at home, thinking about it, and I couldn't stand knowing you were out there without me. So..."

"So I'm perfect and right all the time and you can't live without me."

"Exactly," he said, pulling into an empty parking lot. "Also, I love you."

He parked the car, and grabbed you by the shirt collar, pulling your warm lips to his.

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