Jackson - Paralyzed

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"Don't move," Deaton said.

"I wasn't planning on it," you shut your eyes.

"The kanima has very specific instructions," Deaton explained. "And Gerard doesn't want to hurt you."

You, Deaton and Scott all stood in a circle in the middle of the animal clinic. Your boyfriend Jackson- or Kanimackson, as you called him- stood in the center. You could tell that Jackson was fighting his master's instructions.

"If Gerard didn't want to hurt me," you said shakily, "why is Jackson trying so hard not to?"

"[Y/N]," Scott said. "Gerard loves you. You're his granddaughter. He's only trying to hurt me, remember?"

"Killing your friends seems like a pretty good way to hurt you," you said.

"[Y/N]," Deaton said suddenly. "Run."

You didn't need to hear his reasoning. You tried to turn and run, but you weren't fast enough. Kanimackson slashed you across the stomach. Scott was already on him, but you couldn't really see. You laid on the ground, paralyzed. Your body faced the other direction.

"Is he okay?" Your voice cracked. "Scott, is Jackson okay?"

"Yeah, he's changing back," you heard Scott's voice say. "Deaton, we need some clothes."

"What happened?" You asked.

"Nothing," Scott appeared over you. "Do you want me to move you?"

"Just turn me around so I can see him."

"He's naked," Scott said.


At least an hour passed, and Jackson finally woke up- with clothes.

"[Y/N]," Jackson ran over to you. You were still on the ground, now facing him.

"I'm okay," you said as Jackson put your head in his lap.

"I didn't want to hurt you," he said.

"I know," you said. "It's not your fault."

"It's all my fault," Jackson said. He was crying now.

"It's all Gerard," you said, but he didn't believe you.

"It's all my fault. It's all my fault," he reiterated over and over.

You remained like that for a while. A sobbing Jackson held you in his arms, while you held him in yours at the same time.

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