Stiles- Karma

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QOTD: Kira or Allison?
AOTD: Kira Yukimura

You lay silently across the lawn chair, flipping through Vanity Fair. Birds were chirping. The sun was out. Everything was perfect except for one tiny detail.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

Stiles stood not ten feet away from you, hammering nails into the side of his house.

"Stiles, can you shut up?" You moaned, grabbing your smoothie off the table next to you.

"This would go a lot faster if you helped!" He snapped.

You snarled and went back to your reading. He clearly didn't understand the importance of sunbathing.

Bang. Bang. Crunch.

"Son of a bitch!" Stiles screamed.

You lifted up your sunglasses. "Did you hurt yourself?"

He fell down and started rolling around in the grass. "The pain! The pain of a thousand men!"

"Aw, did poor baby Stiles hit himself with the loud hammer?" You taunted, taking a sip of your smoothie.

"Is my thumb still attached? Am I alive? Am I in heaven?" He looked at you. "Or is this hell?"

"Karma for yelling at me," you flipped the page.

Honestly, you didn't care that he had yelled at you. You were mad about something else.

Earlier in the week, you told Stiles that you loved him. And, after a long and awkward silence, he said "thanks."

"[Y/N], please," he started crawling over to you like a worm, as if he had hurt his foot and not his hand.

"I know what you're going to ask, and it's a no."

"Please. I have never asked you to take away pain before. Remember when you were human? Remember what it felt like to stub your toe? Imagine that but a thousand times worse."

"Stiles, if anything ever hurt you that bad, I would take all the pain you had."

"Oh, praise be!"

"Unless you were mean to me."

"No!" He squealed, withering away before your eyes. "I'm dying!"

"Then you'll die in excruciating agony, wishing you hadn't raised your voice at your innocent girlfriend."

"You pushed me off the couch an hour ago to make room for your snacks!"

"Stiles, baby, if we were on the Titanic, and there were only two spots left on the lifeboat, it would be reserved for me and my snacks. You knew that when you started dating me."

"What can I do?" He started rolling around again. "I'll do anything to end this torture!"

"Fine, apologize."

"I'm sorry," he whined.

"Remember that time Peter asked Kate to apologize for setting the fire? And she didn't sound sincere enough so he slashed her throat with his claws?" You asked, taking your claws out.

"Holy shit," Stiles said.

"You have thirty seconds," you fake threatened.

"Alright," he got onto his knees, took the magazine out of your hands, and threw it across the yard.


"I am so incredibly sorry for yelling at you. And I promise I'll never do it again," he took your hand in his. "Because I love you."

This time, you were the silent one. You had thought that since he had refused to say it back earlier, he didn't love you, but listening in on his heartbeat told you that he did.

You leaned forward and kissed him as soft as ever, and as beautiful as ever.

"Ow," you pulled back.

"You didn't take the pain earlier," he laughed. "Karma's a bitch."

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