Aiden- Love You

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Author's Note: This takes place in the 3B episode when the pack goes to retrieve Katashi's silver finger and fight Kincaid.
QOTD: Funniest Teen Wolf scene?
AOTD: "Stiles, this no fit." Or Victoria sharpening the pencil Or the Scallison closet scene Or Kira's fall Or any Coach or Sterek scene

You ducked Kincaid's punch and kicked the back of his legs, knocking him down. He growled, and got back up, grabbing you by the wrists and pushing you up against the wall.

"Aiden, get the silver finger!" You yelled, spotting it on the ground.

Your boyfriend looked between you and the finger several times. He was lost.

"Aiden, get it!" You said just before Kincaid wrapped his hand around your throat.

Aiden grabbed Kincaid by the shirt collar and yanked him away from you. Ethan was quick to grab the finger off the ground, just as Lydia pulled into the lot with the getaway truck.

Scott opened the back of the truck and climbed inside. "Come on!" He yelled, wanting to get away before Kincaid got up.

But Kincaid was faster than you. And as Aiden grabbed your hand, you felt the painful swipe of claws across your back. You fell to the ground right in front of the truck.

"[Y/N]!" Allison yelled from the front seat.

Aiden's hand slipped out of yours, and he stood ready to fight Kincaid. A small growl escaped the back of his throat as you lay bleeding on the ground.

Your eyes closed against your will, and the sounds around you became muffled. You felt two pairs of hands, which you were sure were Scott and Ethan, move you into the back of the truck. You felt several hands on your wound, and heard people screaming Aiden's name.

You passed out for what must have only been about thirty seconds, because when you woke up, Aiden's bloody face was hovering above you and Lydia was pulling out of the lot.

"You're hurt," you said, reaching up to touch a wound on the side of his face.

"It's nothing," he told you. "How's your back?"

He put his hand on your shoulder as you sat up, making sure you didn't fall back. "I think it healed."

"Good," he smiled, and his face started to heal.

"You went after him," you said quietly. "You should have just left. We had the finger, and you just went after him."

"Nobody gets away with hurting you," he leaned over and kissed the top of your head.

"I love you," you sighed, as if it were the most normal thing in the world. As if it hadn't been the first time you said it.

"I love you, too."

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