"[Y/N]!" Lydia yelled. "I need you!"
"What?" You turned around in the hallway.
"Kira wants me to watch lacrosse practice. Can you come with me?" Lydia asked. "Please."
"Tracy was going to give me a ride home," you said.
"I can take you home," Lydia said. "And Liam will be there."
"Just because you say 'Liam will be there' doesn't mean I'll want to go," you said. "My entire life doesn't revolve around stalking Liam."
Lydia gave you a weird look.
"Okay," you said.
The field was empty when you and Lydia got to the bleachers. The team was still inside getting ready. Coach Finstock prowled around.
"I hope we don't suck this year," you said.
The team filed out onto the field at the same time. Liam walked behind Kira, Scott and Stiles. He twirled his lacrosse stick around in his hand. You waited for him to notice you, but he never did.
"Hey," Mason took his seat in front of you and Lydia.
"Did Liam want to you watch?" Lydia asked.
"No, I just wanted to look at the team," Mason said.
"Greenberg!" Coach yelled as the team ran a lap around the field.
"Faster!""I'm bored," you said.
"Don't worry. They start taking their shirts off in about half an hour," Mason said.
You watched Liam run. Then you watched Liam stand in the goal. Then you watched Liam practice his shot. Then you watched Liam do push ups. Then you watched Liam scrimmage.
"I'm open!" Liam shouted to Kira, who passed the ball to him. Liam prepared to pass the ball to Scott, but was knocked off balance by Greenberg. Instead of going towards Scott, the ball hurdled towards you and landed in your face. Your body jerked back and you fell twenty feet to the ground. You landed on a horrific position on the ground. Screams were heard around you. You looked dead. You might have been a little dramatic.
"Shit," Liam ran up to you. He knelt on the ground. "I'm sorry, [Y/N]."
"That's oak," you said.
"Did she say 'oak'?" Scott appeared.
Mason and Lydia came down from the bleachers."She probably has a concussion," Lydia said worriedly.
"Your mouth is bleeding," Liam said.
"Okay! Okay!" Coach yelled. "Back up! Greenberg, call an ambulance. Wait- Greenberg you're unreliable! McCall!"
"I got it Coach," Scott pulled out his phone.
"My arm hurts," you sat up.
"That's disgusting," Stiles said to your twisted arm.
"I'm sorry," Liam said.
"That's okay," you told him.
"No," Liam said. "I asked Lydia to get you here because I wanted to ask you to homecoming."
"You did?" You asked.
"Yeah," he said. "But I think I ruined that."
"You didn't ruin it," you said. "You really got my attention."
You shifted your body and kissed Liam on the cheek.
"Aw," the entire lacrosse team echoed.
"Yeah," Coach said. "Real beautiful. Back to the field! Make room for the ambulance!"
"Just a second, Coach," Liam said. "Is that a yes on homecoming?"
"Yeah," you said. "That's a yes."
Liam ran back to the field and Lydia took his place. You laid back on the ground, but failed to wipe the smile off your face.