Jackson- Whittemore Wins

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Author's Note: This was a request by HjDarling00, and as you probably know, my last request for now. I'll let you guys know when I'll be taking them again. Also, this is season one Lydia, who we all know and love. QOTD: Favorite Teen Wolf quote?

Following Lydia down to the bleachers, you noticed the multitude of strangers surveying you. Lydia didn't seem to notice, or she enjoyed the attention. Either way, they were freaking you out.

"Everyone is staring at me," you whispered as you sat down in the front row.

"Maybe it's because I told everyone my cousin was visiting. They automatically assumed that you were hot."

"Well, they weren't wrong."

You flinched when the referee blew his whistle, starting the game. You looked over the players, trying to see if you recognized any from Lydia's social media. It was difficult for you to see their faces under the helmets, but one stood out.

"Who's that?" You motioned towards him.

"Jackson?" Lydia asked. "You've been here for all of ten minutes and the first guy you notice is Jackson?"

"Jackson as in your ex-boyfriend Jackson?"

"Yes," Lydia said, as if it were the stupidest question in the world.

"So I'm guessing he's off limits?"

"I don't care who he sees. I broke up with him."

"I thought he dumped you over text."

"We don't need to talk about the details."

You tried to focus on the game, but you kept going back to Jackson. You accidentally made eye contact a couple of times, and it was strange. It wasn't the kind of eye contact where you're both paying absolutely no attention and mistakenly look directly at each other. It was more like he was facing the opposite direction and still managed to turn his neck and stare at you.

"He won't stop looking at me," you told Lydia. "It's weird."

"I'd say he's into you."

"Or he could be looking at you."

"Doesn't seem that way," she grumbled.

You looked back at the field, where Jackson was sprinting to the goal. He flung back his stick, and launched the ball so hard into the goalie that the poor kid fell back and let Jackson's shot slide into the net.

"Wow," you marveled. "He's kind of hardcore."

"You have no idea," Lydia said.

Jackson played the best game of his career. He scored sixteen times, and intercepted seven passes. He was absolutely amazing.

"Hey, Lydia. Who's your friend?" Jackson walked over after the game.

"My cousin," Lydia said through gritted teeth. "[Y/N]."

"Right," Jackson looked from her to you.

"You played a great game," you piped up.

"Yeah, thanks," he said. "You know, the team is going over to get pizza to celebrate the win, and of course, their star player. Long story short, I can't go alone. That'd just be embarrassing. So, what are you up to?"

"Are you asking me out?" You asked, honestly unsure with his nonchalant behavior.

"Yeah," he answered.

"If it's okay with Lydia, I'd love to."

"Go ahead," your cousin said. "I'll just be at home, researching voodoo dolls."

"Great," Jackson said, putting his hand on the square of your back. "I'll have her home by ten."

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