Scott - Creatures and Cars

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Author's Note:
Please go check out my other story! And remember to vote and comment on this one. Be sure to follow me! I follow back. Thanks for reading.

"Stay in the car," Derek said, pulling up on the gravel road.

"I want to go with you," you started to open your door, but Derek leaned over and pulled it closed.

"Stay in the car," he repeated, and climbed out.

You sighed and pressed your face against the window, watching him enter the abandoned power plant. You remained in the car until you got tired of waiting. You got out, and followed Derek's footsteps into the power plant.

"Derek?" You called out for your protector. Derek had been instructed by Deaton to watch over you during your sojourn in Beacon Hills, you being Deaton's danger prone niece. You weren't exactly emissary material.

You ventured down the halls of the large building in search of Derek, who had responded to a call from a friend of his for help. You hoped that the sound of fighting would pave the path to Derek, and it did. The sound of a crash alerted you to Derek's location.

"Derek?" You pulled open the door to the room in which the sound had come.

"[Y/N], I told you to stay in the car!" Derek yelled from across the room.

Your eyes widened as you watched Derek and another werewolf fighting a large, mangled looking thing.

The grotesque creature threw Derek across the room, and he slumped onto the ground. The other werewolf tackled the creature, and it hissed.

The werewolf looked distractedly at Derek, giving the creature time to hit him across the room. The creature then turned its attention to you.

"Oh. Shit," you said, watching hopelessly as the creature licked its chops and started running towards you. You squeezed your eyes shut and stood stiffly in the doorway, waiting for the attack.

When nothing happened, you peeled your eyes open to see that Derek had grabbed it by the leg.

"Scott, get her out of here!" Derek yelled.

The other werewolf, Scott, ran over to you. His face was still in wolf form when he came up to you. You were still standing, petrified.

"Sorry about this," Scott said, throwing you over his shoulders. "But it's faster this way."

Scott took off running down the power plant hallway, and didn't stop running until you reached the car. He put you down in front of it.

"You okay?" He asked. His face turned back into that of a human, and he smiled a little, amused at your perturbed expression.

"Wha-" you said. "What the hell was that thing?"

"Don't worry about it," he smiled again, cutely.

"You're not gonna kill it, are you? It's kind of cute," you said.

"Nah, Deaton wants us to bring it back so he can get a blood sample," he explained.

"I really hate this supernatural stuff," you told him.

"But you're okay?" He asked.

"Fine," you answered.

"Good," he said, and started to turn back to the power plant.

"Wait!" You called, and he looked back at you. "You just saved my life. Isn't there anything I can do for you?"

"How about we work it out over dinner?" He asked.

"Sounds good," you smiled, and looked down at the ground, blushing furiously.

"You're pretty cute," he said, and ran back into the building.

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