Theo- Clean Slate

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Author's Note:
Okay, here's the deal. When I do requests, they generally don't turn out as well. I normally come up with ideas by imagining one little scene, and I form the imagine around that, so it's really hard for me otherwise but I really love interacting with you guys and hearing your ideas, so after I post my next Scott imagine, requests will reopen. Don't be afraid to send them in. I'll love whatever you come up with.

QOTD: What are your favorite Teen Wolf Bromances?

AOTD: Scott+Stiles, Scott+Isaac, Stiles+Derek, Jackson+Danny, Isaac+Derek, Mason+Liam

Today is going to be normal. I'm going to go to school, I'm going to learn, and I'm going to avoid fraternization with supernatural creatures.

Some days, you had to lie to yourself to get out of bed. Today was one of those days.

"Hey," Scott, one of the aforementioned creatures, said as soon as you walked into school.

"No," you told him immediately. "I'm not doing it today. I'm not dealing with any supernatural creatures, supernatural problems, supernatural anything. Not today. Not on the first day of school."


"One day," you cut him off, walking up to your locker. "All I want is one day away from this. I don't care if it's the apocalypse. Don't tell me. Let me die without knowing about it."


"I mean it, Scott. Don't tell me a single thing. In fact, I just want today to be completely silent. I don't want you, or Lydia, or Kira, or Liam, or Malia, or anyone. I mean, Stiles is okay if he doesn't talk about you guys, but-"



Scott grabbed you by the shoulders and turned you around.

"Holy..." you managed to get out.

"Yeah," Scott agreed.

This moment was one of the strangest ones of your entire life. You had never felt such fear and such joy at the same time.

"Don't tell me he's..."

"A werewolf," Scott said. "Yeah."

This state of shock was caused by one brown haired boy walking down the hallway, right towards you, smiling that Theo Raeken girls-go-crazy smile.

"I feel like death," you whispered to Scott just before Theo reached you.

"[Y/N]," Theo said, pulling you into a tight hug. "You're the last person I'd expected to still be living in Beacon Hills."

"You're..." you pulled out of the hug. "The last person I'd expected to see leave... and... then... come back... as a werewolf."

He gave you a weird look. "You haven't lost your sense of comedic timing."

"Yeah," you laughed stiffly, awkwardly, loudly, and for too long.

"Okay," he looked concerned. "I'll see you guys later."

"Oh my god," you said once he left. "Was it bad?"

"It was..." Scott searched his mind for a decent lie. "Yeah, it was pretty bad, but don't worry. I'm sure you'll have plenty of time to prove to him that you're not crazy."

"Like when?" You mumbled, closing your locker and walking towards your first class.

"Like right now," Scott said when you got to class.

There were two open seats. One of them was next to Kira, and the other one was in the back, next to Theo. Scott quickly slid in next to his girlfriend.

You walked with bug eyes back to the seat, and sat down as stiffly as possible.

Theo looked at you, but didn't say anything, and pretended to be busy on his phone.

"I'm not crazy," you blurted out.

"I never thought you were," Theo chuckled. "Until now."

"I'm sorry," you smiled. "You just caught me off-guard."

"Yeah, well I'm sorry too. And, uh, you're not still in love with me, are you?"

"What?" You asked, your cheeks heating up.

"You don't remember the note?" He smiled. "Dear Theo, I love you. Do you love me?"

"Check yes or no," you finished. The two of you burst out laughing. "You can't hold that against me! I was like eight."

"Okay, okay. Clean slate."

"Yeah," you said as the bell rang.

As the teacher began talking, you couldn't help but wonder if anything had changed since elementary school, and if you still did like Theo.

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