Author's Note: This part is written from Scott's point of view.
QOTD: Comment the names of any two characters and I'll tell you if I ship them.
The pack stared as I lay the map down on the table, smoothing out the corners. I tried again to formulate a plan with my head, but nothing was coming to me. It was too hard to focus. The stakes were too high.
"Alright," Stiles said, sensing my discomfort. "There's still a lot of woods to cover, and we could be running out of time. We're gonna split up today. Scott?"
I looked up from the ground to see that everyone was staring at me, waiting for me to snap back into shape. "Oh, yeah," I sighed. "If you don't have claws, go with someone who does. Otherwise, everyone is on their own."
I drew shaky lines on the map, dividing the space we still needed to cover. Lydia paired up with Malia as Mason moved next to Hayden. Stiles begrudgingly accepted that he would have to go with Liam. I guess just I was on my own.
"Scott," Malia said.
"Malia, don't," Stiles warned her.
"I'm sorry," she raised an eyebrow. "But it's been 72 hours. After 72 hours, we're not looking for her anymore. We're looking for a body."
The room was silent. It was pretty clear that everyone agreed, but they were afraid to say so in front of me. People had been tip toeing around me for three days, worried they might set me off, even though I was calmer than anyone else in the room.
"I'll take this section," I finally said, pointing to the map. "Call me if you find anything."
"Don't you want a map?" Liam called.
I walked through the door, climbing onto my bike. I sighed as the engine revved. I didn't need a map to find her. 72 hours ago, I thought I could just use my nose. I thought I would be able to find her, but I couldn't.
I had always been able to sense when she was near. Within thirty seconds of our first meeting, I had her scent down just like it had always been there. And now I can barely remember what she smelled like.
The five minute drive to the woods felt like hours. Every second I didn't have her it was like part of me was slowly being torn apart; I could feel her dying.
"[Y/N]!" I shouted, crunching sticks under my feet as I walked. "[Y/N]!"
"Scott?" A small voice whispered, barely audible. My heart stopped. It couldn't be real.
"[Y/N]?" I called out again.
"Scott," she said, sounding closer.
I followed the sound of her voice to the heart of the woods, immediately spotting a figure sprawled out upon the ground.
"[Y/N]!" I yelled, sprinting over and falling to my knees next to her.
"Scott," she mumbled without opening her eyes. She was pale, sickly looking, covered in her own blood. But she was alive.
"You're alright," I told her, stroking her hair. "I'm gonna get you out of here."
"I knew," she said through heavy breaths. She raised a weak arm and took my hand in hers.
"Knew what?"
"I knew you'd find me, Scott," she said, a grin spreading across her face.