Liam- The Two Liams

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Author's Note:
This is my 100th part! I'll be working on the requests now, which are currently closed. If you commented in the last few days about a request and I didn't respond, message me.
QOTD: Favorite Argent?
AOTD: Chris, even though I miss Allison so much

When you broke up with Liam, citing his lack of interest as the reason, you had expected him to be angry. You imagined that he would punch the wall behind you, and stalk off to never be seen again by any living soul. But he didn't do anything even remotely close to that. He hugged you, and told you that he understood. You thought you wouldn't be seeing much of him after that. You had a few classes with him, and you hung out with a lot of the same people, but you figured he would want to avoid you.

You were wrong about that too. He was constantly following you around like a lost puppy, trying to prove that he was indeed interested in you, and he never shut up about it either.

He stopped doing it as much when you got a new boyfriend. His name was Cam, and he had just transferred from Devenford. He was talkative, a little on the shorter side, and deadly hot.

It took you a while to tell the rest of the pack about him. You wanted to tell Liam first, and you accidentally ended up yelling it at him when he was babbling on about getting back together. You told everyone else soon after that, and they all seemed a little upset, having thought there was a chance for you and Liam. Kira insisted on meeting him the next day at school, so you introduced her and Malia to Cam the next day.

"Cam, this is Kira and Malia," you said in the hallway. "Kira and Malia, this is Cam."

"Hey," Cam smiled.

"Hey," Kira said back, her mouth hanging agape. She and Malia exchanged shocked looks.

The four of you talked for a while. Kira and Malia seemed a little off during the entire encounter, but Cam didn't seem to notice since he did most of the talking.

"Well, I better get going," Cam finally said. "I've got lacrosse practice."

"You play lacrosse?" Malia inquired.

"Yeah, it's a family thing. My step dad is really into it," he answered, kissing you on the cheek and running off.

"Oh my god!" Kira exclaimed once he left. "What is wrong with you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You may have left something out when you were telling us about him last night," Malia said.

"What?" You asked.

"He looks exactly like Liam!" Kira told you.

"You're insane. They're nothing alike."

"Do you have a picture of Cam on your phone?" Malia asked.

"Yeah," you searched it up while Malia looked for a picture of Liam. You put your phones right next to each other and you looked between the screens. "Holy shit. I'm dating Liam all over again."

"And he's from Devenford," Kira added. "And he plays lacrosse. And his step dad taught him how. And he's exactly Liam's height."

"Why me?" You whined.

"There's only one thing to do," Malia put her hand on your shoulder. "Break up with Cam and get back together with Liam."

"But I don't want to get back together with Liam."

"You obviously do if you started dating Liam 2.0," Kira raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, I'll talk to Liam," you agreed. "Nothing more."

"Talking leads to kissing," Kira said.

"Kissing leads to sex," Malia added.

"Malia!" You groaned. "I'm going to go find him. You guys stay here and talk about anything but the two Liams."

You walked out of school and onto the lacrosse field, where the boys were stretching, just getting ready to start practice. Cam waved at you. You waved back, even though looking at him now creeped you out.

"Liam, I need to talk to you alone," you found your ex-boyfriend.

"Okay," Liam said. He didn't seem pleased. He had been a little hostile towards you since finding out about Cam.

You led him behind the equipment shed, out of sight from the field.

"This is going to sound really odd," you started.

"I'm literally a werewolf."

"This is different," you told him, biting your lip. "Cam is you."

"What?" He patted down his chest, as if he thought he had switched bodies with Cam.

"I mean he's an exact replica. I'm dating you in the form of Cam."


"I don't know what that says about my relationship with Cam, but I know that it means something about my relationship with you."

"It means you want to make out with me? Is that what you just said?"

"What? No, I never said that."

"If you insist," he wrapped his arms around your waist, and kissed you on the lips. You kissed him back until you started to feel guilty.

"Wait," you pulled away. "What am I going to tell Cam?"

"Tell him it's over," Liam whispered in your ear, and started kissing you again.

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