He kept his hood on, covering his face. He didn't like people looking at him, not any more.
He used to be the center of attention- a rich boy from a small town- but that wasn't him. He was different now.
"Jackson," you grabbed his arm. He flinched, looking around the crowded square.
You were teaching him how to control himself. He hadn't had a lot of time to learn before he left Beacon Hills, and he was lucky to have found you before things got too bad.
Right now, you were looking for a murderous wolf, who had been leaving a trail of bodies across the country. You spotted him, staring emptily into the crowd.
"There," you pointed. Jackson's eyes followed your finger to the suspicious looking werewolf.
"Let's go," Jackson said deeply, stepping forwards angrily.
You put your arm out in front of him. "We can't just take him out in the middle of the day. We need a plan."
"If we don't take him out now, he'll kill again tonight," he argued, pulling away and making his way over.
The werewolf saw Jackson immediately, and took off running. Jackson followed instinctively, and you followed protectively.
The wolf ran foolishly into an ally, giving Jackson the opportunity to corner him. By the time you reached them, Jackson had already knocked him onto the ground.
"Take him alive, remember?" You said.
"I remember," Jackson said, turning around angrily.
The wolf on the floor took Jackson's distraction as the perfect time to escape. He jumped off the ground, shoved Jackson into the trash cans, and started sprinting away. You moved in front of him, ready for a fight, but you were taken down when he clawed you across the stomach. You fell to the ground.
"[Y/N]!" Jackson grunted, clumsily standing up. He ran over to you and went down on his knees.
"What are you doing? Go after him!" You said.
"You're hurt."
"I'll heal," you looked down at your wound. It hurt, but it wasn't bad. You had seen plenty of wolves get scratched, and this wasn't nearly as gruesome as what others you had seen.
"Are you sure you're okay?" He placed his hand on your shoulder, and then jerked it back quickly. "Ow. That hurt."
"You did it!" You exclaimed.
"You took my pain!"
He looked at you in disbelief, unable to fathom the fact that he had just learned the thing he had tried so long to master. He gingerly touched your shoulder again and watched the blackness travel up his veins.
"Oh my god," he smiled. He threw his arms around you and pulled you into a hug.
He had never hugged you before.
"Thank you," he whispered into your ear.
"For what?" You patted his back.
He looked at you and grinned. You were confused. What had you done to-
He swooped in quickly, before you could do anything, and kissed you.