Stiles - I Hate Saving Humans

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Author's Note:
I know I've been pretty inactive lately, but I've written a few new imagines and will post them this week. Don't forget to read my other story, and vote/comment on this one. Remember to follow me; I follow back.

QOTD: What other shows do you watch?

You were tempted to stop walking down the sidewalk when you heard a clatter come from the alley, but you kept going. You didn't like to get involved with the humans. They were scared of you.

You tried your best to keep moving, to ignore the incessant sounds of fighting. You couldn't.

You turned around and stormed into the alley, where another wolf was busying himself with beating up a human boy.

"Hey," you said loudly, still a little disinterested.

The enormous wolf-man took a few seconds break from hitting the human to look over at you and growl, his eyes shining blue.

He let go of the boy's shirt collar, and he fell clumsily onto the ground. The wolf prowled confidently towards you, and lunged. You stopped him by grabbing his head and pushing him away. He stumbled a bit, but didn't hesitate to come after you again. With his claws out in the open, he swung down his fist. You ducked, threw your arms behind you, brushed your back against the ground, and kicked his legs out from under him.

"Just get out of here," you said angrily as he struggled to get back up.

He wasn't quite ready to give up. As if he was looking for more embarrassment, he roared at you. You roared right back, making the alley shake.

His mouth was still open from his roar, so not a lot of transition was needed for his mouth to hang agape.

You watched him run away and turned your attention to the stranger leaning against the trash cans.

"You okay?" You bent down next to him. He was a little bruised, but he looked alright.

"I'm fine," he said.

You grabbed his face in your hands and inspected it. There was no sign of a concussion.

"Forget everything you saw," you said, turning on your heel as you stood up, walking away and leaving him on the ground.

"Wait!" He called.

Like earlier, you considered not turning around, but you did.

"What?" You sighed.

"What's your name?" He found his way onto his feet.

You turned red before you could answer. You had saved people before, and they had definitely had questions, but that was certainly never one of them. People always wanted to know what you were, not who.

"I'm Stiles," he said when you didn't answer.


"Well, [Y/N], you should know that I hate owing people. Let me buy you dinner."

"No, I have to get going."

He didn't blink. "Please."

"No," you repeated, and started to walk back out of the alley.

"Am I ever going to see you again?" He called out.

You looked back at him and smiled, "I guess we'll see."

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