Scott- Running Away

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Author's Note: This was requested by @Miz_Gabby7.
QOTD: Are you excited for 6B?
AOTD: I've been slowly losing interest since the tragedy that was 5A.

Moving to Beacon Hills was tough on you. Your television wasn't installed yet, you had no friends, and your family was never home, busy job hunting.

You spent a lot of time jogging, since there was nothing to do in your empty house. You fantasized about running into someone your age on the street, making a friend. It was unlikely. You were officially friendless.

There was one person you had talked to since you moved in. He was the boy next door, and he was hot as hell. But you'd only ever spoken to him once; he barely knew you. And no matter how long you spent watching him from your bedroom window, he was a stranger.

Running into him on this particular jog may have seemed like a stroke of luck, but it wasn't. This meeting went alarmingly different from the last one.

You were almost at the end of the dark street, nothing but the full moon illuminating the path ahead. Still running, you pulled out your phone to change the music.

Preoccupied, you didn't notice Scott, and ran straight into him, knocking you both to the ground.

"Oh, I'm so-" You took one look at Scott's face, contorted and abnormal, with hair sprouting every which way. You gasped, trying to get back onto your feet, too terrified to stand.

"[Y/N]," he said, revealing his sharp teeth. "Don't freak out."

You got onto your feet, and sprinted away, not looking back until you were home. No one else was there, so you took it upon yourself to lock the doors, lock the windows, and close all the blinds, double checking the window that faced Scott's house just in case.

Going to sleep that night was rough. You tried to rationalize what you'd seen, but it was all too real. You stared at the ceiling until your morning alarm went off, and even then it took everything you had to get out of bed.

You watched through your window as Scott climbed into his car, driving away. It was hard to believe he was the same Scott you'd seen the night before.

Him leaving meant that you were safe to go for your morning run, so you slipped out before your family woke up.

Running through the neighborhood, thoughts of Scott plauged your mind. He had seemed so perfect, so pure... Not at all like the monster you'd seen the night before.

You followed the path into the woods, Scott still weighing heavy on your mind. Your music was on so loud that you failed to notice the man, or half-man, running behind you.

He attacked from behind, throwing you to the ground. You immediately put out your hands the protect yourself. The man's teeth were inching towards your neck; you held him back by the throat.

"Help!" You screamed, loud and draw out.

Someone was running towards you. You could hear their footsteps. You could hear them say your name, and you became even more terrified than you were before, if that was even possible. It was Scott, here to finish you off.

"No!" You cried.

You saw Scott's hands on the man's shoulders; he was a monster just like Scott.

Scott threw the man off of you, offering you a hand. You stared. "Come on!" He said.

You took his hand, and the two of you ran back the other direction, into the neighborhood.

"What was that?" You panted when you were finally in the clear.

"An Omega," he said. "Don't worry about it. I'll stay out of your way."

He turned away, but you grabbed him by the wrist.



"Thank you."

"You're welcome," he said.

You let go of his wrist. "I'm sorry for running away yesterday. You're not like that other guy. I know that now."

"Apology accepted," he said. "Do you... Do you maybe want to come over? I'll explain everything to you. What I am, what he was..."

"I would love to."

You took Scott's hand again, and started walking to his house, ready to hear everything.

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